Page 39 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 39


            UNE SEAYEN Youth Environmental Webinar
            The  United  Nations  Environment  South  East  Asian
            Youth  Environment  Network  (UNE  SEAYEN)  hosted
            the  SEAYEN  Youth  Environmental  Webinar  2020.
            Youth Representatives from the 10 ASEAN member
            nations  participated  in  the  webinar  and  provided
            SEAYEN with a progress report on the environmental
            activities in their respective countries.

            Mr  James  Soh,  Advisor  to  the  United  Nations
            Environment  South  East  Asian  Youth  Environment
            Network,  chaired  the  UNE  SEAYEN  webinar.  Mr
            Soh  was  encouraged  by  the  various  environmental
            initiatives  by  ASEAN  youth  groups  despite  the
            constraints presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr
            Soh hopes we can hold a physical regional conference
            in Singapore when the pandemic situations ease.

                                                               Virtual UNE SEAYEN Innovation Breakthrough Workshop 2020.

                                                              The Third Youth4Climate Global Conversations
                                                              with Young Champions
                                                              Ms  Cheryl  Lee,  NYAA  Gold  Award  Holder  and
                                                              Singapore’s  Youth  Representative  at  the  United
                                                              Nations  Environment  South  East  Asia  Youth
                                                              Environmental  Network,  represented  NYAA  at  the
                                                              Third Youth4Climate Global Conversations with Young
                                                              Champions event. Cheryl’s unique experiences made
            Mr  James  Soh,  NYAA  Executive  Director  and  Advisor,  United   her  a  sought  after  speaker  at  many  environment
            Nations  Environment  South  East  Asian  Youth  Environment   events in Singapore and internationally.
            Network, chairing the virtual UNE SEAYEN Regional Meeting.

            The World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate
            The Singapore Press Club, in partnership with NYAA,
            put  together  a  video  presentation  for  the  World
            Press  Clubs  Alliance  for  Climate  in  Brussels  on  23
            October 2020. Dr Angela Lee Hui Mien, NYAA Gold
            Award  holder  and  Adviser,  NYAA  Environmental
            Sustainability Committee, was featured in the video
            presentation  on  Singapore’s  response  to  Climate
            Change and how we are mitigating the issues.

            Dr Angela Lee’s interview for the World Press Clubs Alliance for
            Climate 2020.

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