Page 41 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 41

#MoreViralthantheVirus Project
            During the COVID-19 pandemic, several NYAA Gold
            Award  holders  came  up  with  various  initiatives  to
            contribute to society. Mr Aaron Goh Qi Yang, an NYAA
            Gold  Award  holder  and  a  Medical  student  (MBBS
            Year 5) with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
            and Founding President, LKC Ophthalmology Society,
            initiated  the  #MoreViralthantheVirus  Project.  It
            was  a  Global  COVID-19  Youth  Movement  and  an
            International COVID-19 Initiative by medical students
            from  over  100  countries.  The  campaign  went  live,
            bringing together a message translated into various
            languages  by  medical  students  from  27  countries.
            The  project  was  a  huge  success.  The  World  Health
            Organisation  (WHO),  UNESCO,  BBC  My  World,  the
            South China Morning Post, Telegraph and Aljazeera
            featured the project.
                                                                    A youth initiative developed by youth for youth.
            NYAA-Poly Connect 20th Anniversary
            In  2000,  the  Gold  Award  holders  from  four
            polytechnics, namely Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee
            Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, and Nanyang
            Polytechnic,  organised  the  NYAA-Poly  Connect.
            Mr  Mah  Bow  Tan,  then  Minister  for  National
            Development, was the Guest-of-Honour for the Poly

            In 2020, NYAA GAHA proposed celebrating its 20th
            Anniversary  by  inviting  Mr  Mah  and  the  principals
            of the four polytechnics to grace the celebration to
            mark its 20th Anniversary jointly. Unfortunately, the
            NYAA-Poly  Connect  20th  Anniversary  Celebration
            was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic safety   NYAA-Poly Connect world record feat held in Sentosa in the year
            restriction.                                      2000.

            Round the World via Zoom platform in 80 Days
            The Round the World in 80 Days via zoom platform was
            an initiative of Mr Andass Teu, an NYAA Gold Award
            Holder  and  Chairman,  NYAA  Young  Photographers’
            Network. The aim was to spread positive messages
            worldwide through the zoom platform during these
            trying times and share their experiences coping with
            the  COVID-19  pandemic.  The  launch  in  December
            2020  was  very  successful,  and  many  countries
            participated  in  this  project.  The  project  will  end  in   Round the World via Zoom platform in 80 Days.
            February 2021.

            The Bestari Award 2020
            Annually, the Malay Youth Literary Association (4 PM)
            presented the top Malay ITE students with The Bestari
            Award to recognise their outstanding leadership and
            contributions to the community.

            Mr James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council, is
            one of the long-serving judges in The Bestari Award
            Selection  Panel.  Dr  Mohamad  Maliki  Bin  Osman,
            Minister  in  the  Prime  Minister’s  Office  and  Second
            Minister  for  Education  and  Second  Minister  for
            Foreign  Affairs,  was  the  Guest-of-Honour  for  The   ITE  Student  receiving  the  Bestari  Award  2020  from  Dr
            Bestari  Awards  2020  Ceremony  on  30  December   Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, Minister in the Prime Minister’s
                                                               Office and Second Minister for Education and Foreign Affairs.

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