Page 36 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 36


                                    ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (LOCAL)

            Award Committees
            The  NYAA’s  Executive  Director  continued  to  serve
            on the various Award Committees and panels of the
            Ministry of  the Environment and  Water Resources;
            The  President’s  Award  for  the  Environment  2021,
            the EcoFriend Award 2021, and the Clean and Green
            Singapore Award 2021.

            An Introduction to the UNFCCC
            The  NYAA  Gold  Award  holders  continued  to  make
            us  proud.  They  conducted  many  virtual  workshops   President  Award  for  the  Environment  Selection  Panel
            on  Climate  Change  mitigation  on  various  platforms   2021.
            such  as  the  United  Nations’s  Southeast  Asian
            Youth  Environment  Network.  This  enabled  them
            to  familiarise  themselves  with  the  United  Nations
            Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

            The session was held in January 2021 with Ms Marie-
            Claire Graf, UN YOUNGGO Global Focal Point of the
            UNFCCC and Singapore’s Chief Negotiator for Climate
            Change,  Mr  Joseph  Teo,  and  moderated  by  Ms
            Cheryl Lee, an NYAA Gold Award holder and a Youth   Introduction  to  UNFCCC  by  Ms  Cheryl  Lee,  NYAA  Gold
            Representative of the UNE SEAYEN.                 Award holder (2017 Cohort).

            Partnership and Collaboration with National
            Parks Board
            The  close  partnership  and  collaboration  between
            National  Parks  Board  and  NYAA  benefited  many
            students  and  youths  through  various  activities  and
            projects. One of the signature programmes was the
            HortPark Photo Exhibition on City in Nature by NYAA
            Young  Photographers’  Network,  held  in  October
            2021.  In  November  and  December  2021,  a  series
            of  photography  workshops  were  also  conducted
            by YPN at the HortPark, attended by more than 60
            young photographers from schools and institutions of              Visit to HortPark.
            higher education.

                     Photography workshop at HortPark.                    NYAA photography mentors.

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