Page 190 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
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Good Environment Practices                           Through the implementation of environmental initiatives,
                                                                 Starlight has successfully minimised waste and significantly
            Starlight has already adopted several commendable    reduced carbon emissions.  The ESI team conducted
            environmental practices. They are:                   calculations based on these observations to quantify the
                                                                 tangible  benefits,  particularly  in  electricity  savings,  paper
            -  Coolant recycling: Starlight recycles and reuses coolant   waste reduction, and carbon emission reduction.
            during milling processes in the CNC workshop. This involves
            meticulous collection, cleaning, and filtering of the coolant,   -    Electricity savings from LED Bulbs:  Drawing  from  a
            underscoring their commitment to resource efficiency.  National Environmental Agency (NEA) report, LED bulbs offer
                                                                 substantial energy efficiency advantages over traditional
            -  Paperless operations: The adoption of paperless   fluorescent bulbs.  With an LED bulb consuming 80% less
            practices is evident across various departments. Notably,   electricity and boasting a longer lifespan, transitioning from
            all printers are set to double-sided printing mode, while   a 23W Fluorescent bulb to an 18W LED bulb yields a power
            Quality Assurance (QA) and operational staff rely on   saving 5W per bulb.
            paperless drawings for part dimension verification. These
            initiatives, initiated in 2021, reflect a proactive approach to   To assess the annual electricity savings from these good
            reducing paper waste.
                                                                 environmental practices:
            4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recreate):               Total bulbs illuminated for 12 hours:
            The company’s commitment to the 4R principles is apparent   55 (across workshops and office rooms).
            through the following initiatives:
                                                                 Total Power Electricity Saving per month (kWh):
            -  LED lighting: Operation workshops and office spaces   55 bulbs × 12 hr × 25days × 5W = 82.5
            are illuminated with energy-efficient LED bulbs, promoting
            sustainability and reducing energy consumption.
                                                                 Annual Power Electricity Saving:
                                                                 82.5 kWh × 12months = 990 kWh
            -  Coolant recycling: As previously mentioned, the company
            repurposes coolant, exemplifying the “reuse” aspect of the  -  Paper Waste Reduction
            4R model.                                            Figure 3 shows the monthly paper usage trends from 2020 to
                                                                 2022. Over this period, there is a consistent monthly saving
            -  Paper Conservation: By embracing double-sided printing  of 4,500 sheets. Given that the weight of an A4 paper sheet
            and paperless drawing practices, Starlight effectively reduces  is 5g:
            paper consumption, aligning with the “reduce” principle.
                                                                 •  Monthly Saving in Paper Usage: 4,500 sheets x 5g =
            -  Paperless Operations: Implementing paperless drawing  22.5kg
            practices in QA and operational workflows underscores the
            company’s commitment to innovation and environmental  •  Annual Saving: 22.5 kg × 12 months = 270kg

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