Page 194 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 194

Eco-Solution 4: Implementing a 4-Day Work
            Week                                                 •  Water Recycling: Soaping and rinsing water are recycled
                                                                 within the system, with water replenished in the second
            Noticing daily office occupancy for 5.5 days a week, we   rinse tank periodically.
            recognised an opportunity to reduce electricity usage by
            transitioning eligible staff to a 4-day work week, allowing   •  Debris Filtration: The sieve or mesh acts as both a debris
            staff to work from home on the fifth day. During the visit, we   collector and a filtration mechanism, preventing fine debris
            found that each desktop consumes 1.64 kWh of electricity   from being flushed out through the drainage.
            daily when operated for 8 hours. This could result in a notable
            reduction in annual electricity consumption.         •  Oil Separation: Before draining, wastewater passes through
                                                                 a filter to separate oil from water, ensuring environmentally
            Recommendation: A 4-day work week for staff eligible to   responsible disposal.
            work from home. Proposed to start with five deskbound staff
            members. This would reduce the annual usage of electricity   •  Mobility:  Tanks are equipped with wheels to facilitate
            by 639.6 kWh based on the calculation below: 1.64 x 1.5   handling larger items.
            (WFH) x 5 (staff) x 52 (weeks) = 639.6 kWh
                                                                 The ESI team proposed fabricating a cascade overflow
            Impact: Average significance as it reduces electricity   wash and rinse tanks with three partitions of aluminium
            usage.  The company’s management team can implement   compartments (Figure 10). The estimated dimensions of the
            suggestions.                                         product are 2 meters in length, 1 meter in width and 1 meter
                                                                 in height.
            Chosen Eco-Solution: Cascade Overflow Wash           The soaping and rinsing water will be reused and recycled
            and Rinse Tanks                                      in this system. Water is replenished in the second rinse tank
                                                                 three times a week. Each tank will have a sieve or mesh
            Eco Solution 1 has been chosen as the focal project to   (highlighted in red dashed lines) at the bottom, which will
            promote environmental awareness and sustainability within   collect the finest debris. This debris can be easily removed
            the company. The eco-solution involves fabricating cascade   after each wash and will not be flushed out through the
            overflow wash and rinse tanks  with three  aluminium   drainage but will be recycled instead. The sieve or mesh also
            compartments, as inspired by the design of dishwashing   acts as a means to filter the water. Once it is time to drain the
            machines.  This innovative approach aims to recycle and   tank, the wastewater passes through a filter that separates
            reuse soaping and rinsing water, thus significantly reducing   the oil from the water before releasing it into the drain. The
            water consumption and minimising environmental impact.  tanks will also have wheels to facilitate easy mobility.

            Eco-Solution Design:

            •  Tank Configuration:  The system comprises cascade
            overflow wash and rinse tanks  with three  aluminium
            compartments, each equipped with a sieve or mesh at the
            bottom to collect fine debris.

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