Page 195 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 195

Figure 10: Cascade overflow wash and rinse tanks.

            Projected Water Savings

            •  Current Usage: The current water usage per washing cycle is 100 litres, with 15 cycles per day, resulting in a daily
               consumption of 1,500 litres.

            •  Projected Reduction: Implementing the proposed system is estimated to save approximately 324 cubic meters (m³) of
                water annually, achieved through water reuse and recycling.

            •  Monthly Saving Calculation: Water usage per month after implementation: 45,000−18,000 = 27,000 litres.

            •  Annual Saving Calculation: Water saving per year: 27,000 × 12 = 324,000 litres, equivalent to 324m³.

            Environmental Impact

            •  C02 Emission Savings: The total annual C02 emission savings from the water conservation efforts are estimated at 463.32
            kg with the proposed implementation as shown in Table 3.

                                       Table 3: The projected amount of annual savings for CO2 emissions

                                 Resource       Annual Saving      Annual CO2       Conversion Factor
                                                               Emissions Reduction

                                    Water          324 m³           463.32 kg        1.43 kg CO2/m³

   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200