Page 53 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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                                                         Owner project manager responsible for the oversight of
                                                         all aspects of each project including; pre-construction,
                                                         construction, completion and closeout. Experience in field
                                                         operations, estimating, and project management plays an
                                                         important role in the successful execution of the project.
                                                         Managed multi-million dollar projects in the medical,
                                                         educational, corporate, and multi-residential fields.
                     MARC JOBIN

                                                         Senior Living of Bedford – Bowman Place - Bedford, NH
                                                         Owner project manager for design and construction of 95,000

                                                         s.f. Assisted Living and Memory Care facility. The project
                   EDUCATION &                           included 69 assisted living beds and 36 memory care units.

                 CERTIFICATIONS                          Assembly Row Block 6 – Somerville, MA – Owner’s construction
                                                         representative for the construction of a 454 unit residential
             Architectural Engineering BS Degree         apartment building as well as several retail units and a parking
              Wentworth Institute of Technology          garage. Services included quality control, schedule review, and
                        Boston, MA                       construction monitoring.

             Architectural Engineering AS Degree         Carter School Apartments – Leominster, MA – Owner’s project
                    NH Technical Institute               manager for the gut/renovation of a historic school house into
                        Concord, NH                      39 apartments. This $ 14 million dollar project included major
                                                         demolition and new structural systems. Historic elements were
              Construction Project Management            salvaged and re-installed. The project was funded through
                         Certificate                     several tax credit programs.
                   Northeastern University
                        Boston, MA                       Seaglass Shores – Hampton, NH – Owner’s construction
                                                         representative for the design and construction of 20 unit beach
                                                         condominium complex.

                                                         Portsmouth Housing Authority – Portsmouth, NH – Owner
                                                         representative for construction of a 10 unit elderly housing
                                                         project at the former Lafayette School site. Building will meet
                                                         federal Energy Star Standards.

                    18 Checkerberry Lane                 Salem Housing Authority – Salem, NH – Owner’s representative
                     Bedford, NH 03110                   for new 24 unit $ 2.5 Million elderly housing project. Provide
                       (603) 486-6400                    construction consulting and acted as
                             liaison between owner and construction team. Supervision and
                                                         review of construction activities.
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