Page 57 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
P. 57
CATCH Franklin Light & Power Mill
Historic Workforce Housing Rehabilitation/ Reuse
Franklin, New Hampshire
Warrenstreet was retained to provide architectural design services from conceptual design through construc"on
administra"on for the 50,000 SF renova"on of this historic 1895 riverfront mill located in downtown Franklin. The 19
one-bedroom and 26 two-bedroom units provide quality, safe, healthy and affordable workforce housing opportuni"es
and featured community design, historic preserva"on, sustainable design and permaculture elements. Throughout the
14-month construc"on period, the 1.5 acre site underwent a substan"al renova"on including demoli"on of vaults that
enclosed the original factory turbines, environmental remedia"on and waste removal. Approximately 450 windows
were replaced with design guidance and approvals of the Na"onal Park service in accordance with their historical
preserva"on standards. Warrenstreet provided interior design support as well as oversaw all supplementary engineering
coordina"on including civil, structural, and MEP services. Always maintaining the architectural and historic integrity
of the project, addi"onal spaces include large common areas, a central courtyard and community garden. Located
along the banks of the Winnipesaukee River, this project has been viewed as the first step in the downtown areas
revitaliza"on having received overwhelming support and becoming a catalyst for the increase in livability and vitality
of the area. This project received a 2018 Preserva"on Achievement award from the New Hampshire Preserva"on
Alliance. This project marked Warrenstreet and CATCH’s fourth successful housing development partnership together.
CATCH Neighborhood Housing
Rosemary Heard, President
Comple on Date
November 2017
Project Size
50,000 SF, 45-Units
Project Costs
Project Team
Architect / Warrenstreet
Civil / Nobis Engineering
Structural / TFMoran
MEP / WV Engineering
Contractor / Bonne!e, Page and Stone