Page 12 - T3 Minutes of the Meeting
P. 12

54       Regarding workload, Mr. Ritch Banate and Prof. Arlene Estrada confirmed that they had already
          55   given the subjects to be taught by each of the faculty members under their departments. Likewise,
          56   all other department chairs also assured that they already distributed subjects to the respective
          57   faculty members under their department.
          59       Prof. Sedigo announced to submit requirements or faculty portfolios before the deadline to avoid
          60   the  salary  delay.  He  likewise  asked  why  most  of  Trece  Campus  faculty  members  have  not  yet
          61   submitted their grading sheets. Some answered that they still need to get their student files and
          62   records from the campus to do so.
          64       Also, Prof. Sedigo reminded the department chairs and HR coordinators to finalize the number of
          65   faculty to be hired this First Semester AY 2020-2021 and in as much as possible consider those with
          66   masters’ degree and as well as doctors’ degree. This is in consideration for bolstering the faculty
          67   profile of the campuses and also for long term considerations.
          69   No further matter was discussed.
          71   The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
          73   Prepared by:                                       Noted by:
          76   JESSIE ANNE T. DEMETILLO, PhD                      NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSc
          77   Campus Secretary                                   Campus Administrator
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