Page 29 - 2019_Issue1_Rosendin Newsletter
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                                                                 ANNUAL ESOP

                                                                 UPDATE WEEK

                                                                  JUNE 17 - 21

 #49  GOLD AWARD DATE                                              2019

 Training magazine's Top 125 winners are shining examples of   Chief Learning Officer magazine’s LearningElite program
 organizations that champion training and employee development   honors the best organizations for learning and development.
 tied to corporate strategic goals and business impact. In it's   This robust, peer-reviewed ranking and benchmarking
 19th year, Training has ranked the top companies of employer-  program recognizes those organizations that employ
 sponsored workforce training and development measuring   exemplary workforce development strategies that deliver
 quantitative and qualitative data.   significant business results. Developed under the guidance
 of a group of chief learning officers and senior learning and
 This was the first year that Rosendin's Training Team submitted   development practitioners, the LearningElite program utilizes
 for Training magazine's Top 125 and ranked #49!   best practices in evaluation to rank the best organizations
 based upon their impact, size and industries served.
 Rosendin's Foreman’s Development Program is designed to
 develop industry-leading construction supervisors at Rosendin   The aim of the LearningElite is to:  Formal calendar
 Electric Inc. The program helps bridge the gap between electrical   •  Identify and recognize industry leaders.
 skills taught through the apprenticeship program and the   •  Promote recognition of the critical role learning and   invitation to follow.
 business skills needed to successfully lead on a project. This   development plays in organizational success.
 immersive program uses real-world scenarios to give participants   •  Support organizations in achieving best-in-class levels
 leadership experience and pairs candidates with a mentor to   of performance.
 provide ongoing support. As a result, 98.7% of field leadership   •  Identify and share best practices, principles and   Questions?
 openings are filled internally. The increase in field supervision   strategies for learning and development.  Contact your local
 allowed Rosendin to increase its national footprint through the   •  Provide powerful benchmarking data for world-class   ESOP Communications
 establishment of 5 additional business units in 2017.  learning and development.  Committee Member or email
 "  Last year our department applied for two national training awards hoping that we would

 place in at least one. We were thrilled when we actually won both awards! None of this would
 have been possible without the great team of dedicated professionals that make up the
 department and the support we get from everyone at Rosendin for our training efforts. "

 28    The Feeder | Issue 1, 2019  - Lisa Vere, VP of Quality & Training                Issue 1, 2019 | The Feeder    29
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