Page 30 - 2019_Issue1_Rosendin Newsletter
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Safety                                                                   Likewise, Data Suite C and D (future) will share a swing generator (attached
                                                                                                                                   via bus duct - see photo to right). This complicates interconnections
                                                                                                                                   between phases especially for the controls. Jim Gustafsson came up with
                                                                                                                                   a simple idea to pull all future phase controls for the main switchgear and
                                                                                                                                   generators back to a single location separate from the main switchgear.

                                                                                                                                   Jim worked with our engineering team to ensure all future control
                                                                                                                                   points were captured. This is also checked and confirmed with the main
                                                                                                                                   switchgear vendor during startup. Jim’s idea ensures that we do not have
        Innovation is what has moved          greatest awards a person can receive   person within this company has with           to get back into energized locations within the main switchgear in the
        our company and our country           and we encourage our employees to     one another is tremendous. The                 future. This is a safety benefit, but also ensures that the client will have less
        forward and will continue to do       find better and safer ways to perform   following are two innovative ideas           downtime (no need to perform shutdowns to pull and terminate the control
        so. At Rosendin, we believe our       daily tasks and share with one        that were shared by Kelly Eisenbeiss           wiring).
        employees are the experts of the      another.                              and Jim Gustafsson.
        electrical industry. We respect each                                                                                       Jim's innovative idea has saved Rosendin considerable time and energy
        employees knowledge and we            When I read about different           If you have an innovative idea that            when integrating a new phase of work.
        recognize innovations by sharing      innovative suggestions to provide a   could benefit others within Rosendin,
        ideas with everyone within Rosendin.   safer environment for others around   please send them to Marty Rouse,                                                     By Marty Rouse, Vice President Safety
        Being recognized by our peers for     us, I am impressed and deeply         VP Safety, to ensure your idea is
        our accomplishments is one of the     inspired. The positive impact each    made a reality!
                                                                                                                                   MY STORY: Chris Goodgion

                                GENERATOR LOAD BANK CAMLOCK INCLUSION                                                              Division EHS Manager (Sterling, VA)
                                Kelly Eisenbeiss, General Foreman (Hillsboro, OR)
                                In previous large data center builds, the conductors
                                from the main switchboards entered a large junction box                                                                       It’s easy to say that safety   At the end of my contract with DynCorp, an opportunity
                                beside the generator belly tank. Inside, the conductors                                                                       chose me rather than me      presented itself as a contractor safety specialist for several
                                were routed to a separate Load Bank camlock enclosure                                                                         choosing safety. After an    contractors at a large surface mine/acid plant in the area, so
                                and then to the generator. All of the components were                                                                         enlistment in the Marine     I threw my hat in the ring. I spent 10 years in the mine as a
                                expensive and had long lead times. There was also a                                                                           Corps, I went to school to   safety consultant and contractor safety specialist. During this
                                lot of wire management and terminations to perform in a                                                                       study environmental science.   time, I worked closely with OSHA and the Mine Safety and
                                crowded area.                                                                                                                 At the time, there was a     Health Administration to ensure miners were protected and
                                                                                                                                                              big need in the agricultural   had all the tools available to keep them safe on the job.
        Kelly Eisenbeiss asked one simple question and was able to work with the                                                                              and marine sciences
        engineering team and generator manufacturer to have the camlocks built into the                                                                       community for people with    After 10 years in mining, personal reasons caused me to look
        generator enclosure. This allowed the conductors from the main switchboard to                                                                         an environmental sciences    for work in Northern Virginia. At this point, I had received
        penetrate through a window in the tank and straight up into the termination landings                                                                  background. After school, I   countless hours of training, classes and on-the-job training,
        on the generator.                                                                                                          actually went to work for DynCorp – a major Department   and gained experience and an unrelenting passion for safety.
                                                                                                                                   of Defense contractor – completely outside of my field of
        As a result, the separate camlock enclosure and junction box are no longer needed.                                         study. DynCorp was doing some heavy recruiting for prior   After sending out a few résumés and lining up some
        The generator manufacturer also makes all of the connections at the factory for the                                        military at the time, and, being young and having no certain   interviews, my first interview wound up being where I
        camlocks providing a much safer, cleaner, and less expensive installation. Great                                           direction, I jumped at the chance. I worked nine years for   stopped my search. During my interview, I was amazed at
        work, Kelly, on following through with your innovative idea! See photos to the right.
                                                                                                                                   DynCorp doing everything from armor plating retrofit to   the commitment to safety this company had, the programs
                                                                                                                                   security.                                               that were set in place, and how it only wanted to continue

                                CONTROLS DEMARCATION BOX                                                                                                                                   to grow and advance its safety culture.
                                Jim Gustafsson, General Foreman (Hillsboro, OR)                                                    While with DynCorp, the need arose for a site safety/
                                                                                                                                   HAZMAT supervisor, and because of my supervisory role at   Rosendin Electric has been my new family for the past year,
                                A large data center has been built out in phases and the                                           this time, I was given the task. I attended every HAZMAT   and I won’t be looking to go anywhere else! Its passion for
                                most current phases are known as Cascadia 1 (Data Suite                                            and safety class DOD had to offer. When I ran out of options   safety far surpasses its passion for profit. If a project is done
                                A), Cascadia 2 (Data Suite B), Charlotte (Data Suite C),                                           there, I began taking civilian classes. In my last two years   on time and on budget, it’s not a success unless everyone
                                and Future Phase (Data Suite D). Data Suite A and B share                                          with DynCorp, I transitioned into the role of contractor   went home safe every day.
                                a swing generator.
                                                                                                                                   safety liaison at Camp Lejeune and acted as a contractor
                                                                                                                                   safety officer for all DOD contractors.                 So, like I said, safety chose me, and I’m glad it did!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Reprint from Safety+Health Magazine
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