Page 117 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 117

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Picking up a loaded skip

            Before any lifting commences an inspection of the skip must be
            undertaken.  This  should  include  general  condition.  Particular
            attention should be paid to the condition of the lifting points /
            lugs. If these are damaged in any way, then no lifting operation
            should  take  place  –  report  any  damage  to  your  Operations
            Manager immediately.

            Before attempting to lift the container assess the load and ensure the skip arms are square
            to the container paying attention to the load ensuring that it is evenly loaded. Stand safely
            away from the container and never position yourself between the container and any fixed
            object as this could result in you being crushed.

            Slowly start to raise the container from the ground, be aware of the skip starting to swing
            sideways.  If  this  happens,  halt  the  lifting  procedure,  until  the  skip  has  stopped  moving.
            Reposition the arms again to compensate for the uneven weight and gently lift the container
            slowly onto the back of your vehicle.

            If the skip has been overloaded by the customer, you must inform your Operations Manager
            immediately who will contact the customer on your behalf. Do not climb on top of the waste
            in the skip; If the container is overloaded then please call your Operations Manager who can
            contact the customer and advise you on how to proceed. Do not put yourself in danger.

                   Tipping a loaded skip

            Before  commencing  to  tip  the  container,  ensure  that  the  vehicle  is  on  level  and  stable
            ground. Also be aware that high winds will make tipping dangerous. Whilst tipping on made-
            up ground on a landfill site or a transfer station stockpile, do not reverse your vehicle to the
            edge of the tipping face. Always allow at least 3 metres clearance and follow guidance of
            site staff.
                1.  Take great care when tipping, ensuring all site rules are followed
                2.  Before tipping check that the area is clear of people and that there are no overhead
                3.  Apply handbrake; engage P.T.O.; select
                    ‘Stabilisers Down’ to level the body
                4.  Select ‘Tip Hooks Up’ & ‘Arms Lower’, (NOT ‘Fast
                    Lower’); beware of the skip starting to swing, when
                    lifted from the lorry bed. If this happens, halt the
                    tipping procedure, until the skip has stopped
                5.  Ensure the tipping hooks engage securely in the
                    tipping bars on the skip, then continue to tip, until
                    the skip passes vertical.
                6.  If the tip hooks do not engage, slowly lower the
                    skip back onto the vehicle and retry. If the tipping

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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