Page 120 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 120

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            •  Do not leave the engine running whilst the vehicle is unattended.
            •  The Skip loader comes under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
                1998 (LOLER), and it is a legal requirement that it is inspected every 12 months. It is
                your responsibility to report any defects or malfunctions to your manager immediately
                so that it can be repaired and made safe.
            •  Do not use the side under run bars as a ladder to access the body of the vehicle, only
                use the ladder or steps provided.

                    At all times ensure customers, public and any pedestrians are clear of the
                                                  vehicle and container

                   Stacking empty skips

            Follow procedures for “Offloading a skip”, noting the following:

                    A check must made to ensure that neither of the loading arms are snagged on the
                    Particular attention must be paid to the loading arm that is NOT in clear sight.
                    A visual check should be made to ensure that the rear of vehicle remains on the
                    Skips should be stacked no more than 5 high.
                    Do not mix different sized skips in a stack.  A visual inspection should be carried out
                    before any attempt to lift, to ensure all the skips are the same size.
                    Make sure all the skips are empty, before attempting to stack them.
                    Leave a minimum of 1.5 metres between stacks, to ensure safe access to attach and
                    remove the lifting chains.
                    Do not stack skips too high – it must be possible to safely reach the lifting lugs from
                    ground level, without over-reaching (this is usually:  four-high for 4-yard skips; three-
                    high for 6-yard and 8-yard skips; two-high for 12-yard skips).
                   Ensure skips are stacked straight and level – avoid stacking damaged skips, as they
                    may get jammed and make unstacking dangerous.  Report any damaged skips to the
                    Transport Office or Sales Manager immediately.

                                                  Page 119 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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