Page 98 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 98

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Drivers daily defect guidance

                     All lights and Indicators working correctly; Check that all lenses are present clean and
                     are of the correct colour; Stop lamps come on when the service brake is applied and go
                     out when released; Marker lights are present and work (where applicable); All other
                     lamps function correctly
                     Reflectors; Check that reflectors are not obscured; missing; broken or the wrong colour
                     Markers; Check that marker boards are present (if the type of vehicle requires them);
                     Not obscured by dirt or other objects; Securely fastened; of the correct type and visible
                     Tyres; Check as much of the visible tread as you can see, There must be a minimum
                     tread depth of 2mm across ¾ of the tyre; sufficient inflation of each tyre; No deep cuts
                     in the side wall; No cord visible anywhere on the tyre
                     Wheels; Check that wheels are fitted correctly; of correct type; no wheel nuts missing
                     or insecure
                     Batteries; Check that the battery is held securely in place by the correct means, not by
                     its cables and battery is not leaking
                     Mirrors; Check that all mirrors are secure, lenses are clean and adjusted correctly and
                     that vision is un-obstructed
                     Emergency Stop Buttons; Check condition and operation of all emergency stop buttons
                     Body/Load  security-protection;  Check  body  for  security,  damage  any  sharp  edges;
                     Check that any load is adequately secured, any container has an effective secondary
                     locking device fitted.
                     Body/Guards/Wings/Spray  suppression;  Check  for  damage;  correct  fitment  and
                     Number Plates; Fitted; Secure; Clean; Visible
                     Windscreen; check that your view of the road (especially in the drivers swept area) isn’t
                     obscured by damaged or discoloured glass or obstructions (stickers etc)
                     Engine oil/Water/Windscreen Washers/Auto lube levels leaks; Check and adjust fluid
                     levels if required, check for leaks.
                          Do not remove radiator header tank cap when coolant is hot!
                     Exhaust  condition-smoke  emission;  Check  that  exhaust  does  not  emit  excessive
                     amounts of smoke
                     Coupling/5  Wheel; Check that the trailer (if applicable) is located correctly in the fifth
                     wheel, that the locking mechanism is in the correct position and fifth wheel is secure
                     Lines (electric/Air/Hydraulic); Check that all lines are correctly fitted; undamaged and

                     Driving Controls; Check all driving controls for operation; security; pedal rubbers for
                     Tachograph/Speedometer; Check for operation and damage
                     Instruments interior operation; Check all instruments for operation including, audible
                     warnings, warning lamps and gauges
                     Horn; Operation-condition; Check that the horn is accessible from the driver’s seat and
                     works when operated. Wipers and Washers; wipers move continually when switched
                     on blades are not deteriorated so that they do not clean the windscreen effectively.
                     Washer points are operational.

                                                   Page 97 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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