Page 96 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 96

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Daily vehicle checks
            Drivers Daily Worksheet

            At the start and end of the working day or at first use, please perform the
            vehicle checks using the Pre-Drive Drive App. This is a legal requirement.

            Under no  circumstances  should  any  remedial  repairs  be  carried out  on  a
            vehicle without prior consent from the Transport Manager.                            DVSA

                  a.  Each driver is provided with a torch to help with their daily checks during early
                        starts or during the winter.
                  b.  Each driver is allocated a vehicle to drive at the start of their shift.  Do not use
                        another vehicle unless agreed by your Operations Manager.
                  c.   Please place your tachograph card into the slot and select other work whilst you
                        are carrying out your first use defect walk around checks for a minimum of 10
                  d.  You are responsible for checking any vehicle that you drive every day before you
                        drive it to ensure the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, by completing a daily
                        first use vehicle check.
                  e.  Daily first use vehicle checks by drivers must be carried out before the first use of
                        any  vehicle.  For  example,  you  take  over  driving  a  vehicle  that  another  staff
                        member has been driving all morning or for even an hour, it is your responsibility
                        to  check  the  vehicle  is  safe  before  you  drive.  This  should  cover  the  external
                        condition of the vehicle (or vehicle and trailer) ensuring in particular the safety,
                        correct working and levels including but not limited to the following:

                           ✓  Oil
                           ✓  Water
                           ✓  Steering
                           ✓  Brakes
                           ✓  Tyres
                           ✓  Lights
                           ✓  Wheel nuts
                           ✓  Trailer coupling and hoses
                           ✓  Bodywork
                           ✓  Skip / Ro-Ro loader
                           ✓  Windscreen washer and wipers
                           ✓  Reversing Cameras/Bleepers/ Left Turn Speakers/Auto Brake Systems

                  f.   The first use check must be done via Pre-Drive , which MUST be completed in full
                        prior to starting your journey. Once completed, the App will send through any
                        defects for the attention of the Transport Manager.

                        If  you  are  unsure  of  what  you  should  be  looking  for,  this  is  a  guide  with
                        explanatory notes to assist you through each of the check items. If you are still
                        unsure,  please  contact  your  Manager  who  will  be  happy  to  aid  you  in  your
                  g.  If you discover a defect or fault on your vehicle that effects the safe use on the
                        highway or which will make it illegal for you to drive, you must report the defect
                        to your manager immediately by phone and you must record on the Pre-Drive

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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