Page 91 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 91

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

            20.8  Traffic Management Plan
            The Hazards

                  •     Vehicle to person contact (pedestrians, site staff)

                  •     Vehicle to vehicle contact (including mobile plant)

                  •     Visitors and contractors on-site

                  •     Reversing as a specific hazard
                  •     Hours of darkness, winter working, weather conditions

                  •     Employees arriving and leaving place of work

            Contracts in place to minimise the risks of above hazards.

                    All vehicles enter and leave the site via the controlled entrance.  All drivers report to the Office
                    for instructions and ticket either on entering or leaving the site.

                    To report to the Site Office all customers and drivers MUST use the pedestrian crossing and
                    or walkways.
                    All pedestrians to be aware of uneven ground and possible rubbish on site that could cause
                    slips trips or falls. Any rubbish in walkways should be reported and cleared immediately.

                    All vehicles on-site MUST keep to the speed limit of 5 mph.

                    All  drivers,  visitors  and  staff  MUST  wear  hi-visibility  clothing  and  safety  boots  before
                    proceeding into the site.  Vehicles will not be loaded/unloaded if the appropriate PPE is not

                    Vehicles  delivering  material  to  the  site  MUST  not  approach  the  working  area  if  there  is
                    another vehicle being loaded or unloaded.

                    Customers collecting or delivering materials MUST ensure they follow the instructions of the
                    site staff, , machine drivers and stay inside their vehicle whilst being loaded or unloaded.
                    Unless specific help is required in the loading or un-loading process.
                    Pedestrians must give way to plant and machinery at all times until permission has
                    been sought to cross by the plant operator.

                    Drivers are ultimately responsible for their own vehicles. Extreme caution MUST be taken
                    when driving around the site.

                    Pedestrians must give way to plant and machinery at all times until permission has
                    been sought to cross by the plant operator.

                    All mobile plant operators are trained in the machine that they use, daily check sheets are
                    completed and defects reported.

                    People allowed into the working area are restricted to those working there and any visitors
                    that do need to visit the site are accompanied by a member of staff and given a basic site
                    induction.  Statutory visitors e.g. Environmental Agency, HSE are accompanied.

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