Page 94 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 94
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
20.10 Control of Contractors.
• The company’s aim is only to appoint those sub – contractors who have demonstrated an
adequate level of health and safety competence whilst undertaking working activities.
• Competence checks both written (Sub-contractors questionnaire Annex H) and visual are
made on sub–contractors and assistance is given to ensure no company is without clear
guidance as to the required actions.
• All new arrivals on site are to be given a suitable induction safety brief before entering any
work site under the control of Harrison Industrial Ltd, but this shall not include training of sub-
contractors in the safe execution of the work undertaken by them.
• Where there is a need to discuss and /or resolve safety issues, then either the Company or
the Sub-contractor may call / arrange health and safety briefings, co-ordination meetings,
reviews of health and safety performance and other meetings.
• The sub-contractor and /or his employees are to address any health and safety complaints
or issues to the Foreman or Manager in the first instance.
• The company will monitor and review the sub-contractors health and safety performance and
give directions or instructions for corrective action to be taken if required or otherwise take
enforcement action as provided in the contract.
• The Managing Director, Project Engineers and Foremen have a responsibility to ensure that
Company personnel and those not in the company’s employment are not put at risk by their
activities or those of their sub contractors.
• Where reasonably practicable, the work area is to be fenced off and treated as a 'notional
factory'. The company will be responsible for the activities of our employees and sub-
contractors within the area and for any adverse effect of our business on other persons. Prior
to the commencement of the contract, the Client or their representative must advise the
company in writing, of any health, safety hazards or environmental hazards, remaining on
the site
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