Page 95 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 95

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

            20.11 Loans of Work Equipment to Sub – Contractors
            Those loaning equipment to sub - contractors must ensure that the equipment is safe and properly
            This is to be achieved by:

                1.  Ensuring that the contractor has been provided with the appropriate Health and Safety policy,
                    together with information on any local procedures in place.
                2.  Ensuring that the equipment is suitable and fit for purpose and marked in accordance with any statutory
                    legislation (e.g., CE mark).
                3.  Advising the sub- contractor of any hazards associated with its use, including storage, use, handling
                    and transport of any materials or substances required and the conditions in which and methods by
                    which the equipment may be used.
                4.  Providing  a  clear  specification  of  resources  and  procedures  needed  to  manage  associated  risks
                    (borrower must also carry out a risk assessment).
                5.  Advising of any special competencies required in its use and any foreseeable abnormal situations and
                    the action to be taken in any such a situation.
                6.  Ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable that those authorised to use the equipment are competent
                    to  do  so  (i.e.,  have  the  relevant  training,  skill,  knowledge  and  experience)  and  there  is  adequate
                    provision for health and safety.
                7.  Identifying and explaining the use of any controls, including emergency controls.
                8.  Advising any special emergency procedures to be followed in the case of an accident, including local
                    procedures for the reporting of an accident or dangerous occurrence.
                9.  Advising of any conclusion drawn from experience in using the work equipment.
                10. Arrangements for maintaining any equipment on loan.
            The actual use of the equipment on loan should be monitored by the lender to ensure safety. It may
            be necessary, if the equipment is to be shared by more than one contractor, for the lender to co-
            ordinate the provision, use and maintenance of equipment and to co-ordinate the work of those
            involved, ensuring the least risk to health and safety of all who may be affected.
            Lifting  Equipment.  Where  the  work  equipment  is  ‘lifting  equipment’  then  all  loans  shall  be
            accompanied with physical evidence of the last thorough examination carried out under the Lifting
            Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.
            20.12 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
            The Company recognises that some of its processes and substances used or arising from the work,
            may unless properly controlled, create risks to employees or others and therefore intends to take all
            reasonably practicable measures to eliminate or reduce these risks to acceptable levels.

             •  Substances that are covered by COSHH Regulations include those that are sensitising, irritant,
                 harmful, corrosive, toxic, carcinogenic (having potential to cause cancer) and biological agents.
                 Gases, vapours, fume and dust of any kind are also subject to COSHH.
             •  The Company undertakes to carry out COSHH Assessments as required by the ‘Control of
                 Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002’ (COSHH) for all hazardous substances
                 identified and prepare a register of all substances approved for use, stored or produced. These
                 assessments will be reviewed on a regular basis or where there are significant changes in the
                 work process. (See Annex E - sample COSHH Assessment Form)
             •  Where local exhaust ventilation or respiratory protective equipment is used, the Company will
                 carry out regular maintenance, examination and testing to ensure they remain effective as a
                 control measure.
             •  No person will allow prohibited substances to be used on any Company site and if a substance
                 is assigned a maximum exposure limit this is never to be exceeded under any circumstances.

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