Page 96 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
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O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
• Assessments must be carried out by persons competent to do so and who have all relevant data
relating to processes/substances being assessed which include manufacturers Material Safety
Data Sheet.
• The assessment is to identify any potential risk to health presented by the hazardous substance
and to decide on suitable control measures to be implemented before the process commences.
Advice may be obtained from the health and safety consultant.
• COSHH assessments must include a description of the work, substances or types of substances
(including biological agents) to which employees and others are likely to be exposed (including
consequences of control failure) possible routes of entry into the body, duration and frequency
of exposure and consequences of over exposure. The assessment should record the forms
these substances are in or likely to change to during the process or task.
• Where specialised measuring, monitoring, maintenance or training is required the Company will
ensure this is carried out by competent persons and that suitable records are kept.
• Sub contractors must have suitable and sufficient COSHH assessment procedures.
• All employees using substances or working on processes which relate to COSHH Regulations
should make themselves aware of the following:-
a. The information provided in the assessment, which will say how to use the substance safely and
what, if any, controls are required.
b) First aid procedure in case of exposure by inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion.
c) Safe handling and incompatibility of substances mixed together, safe storage and disposal
d) How to deal with spillages.
e) If you have any doubts as to whether a substance is covered under COSHH regulations seek
immediate advice from your Manager, Engineer or Foreman
f) No activity should be carried out with hazardous substances unless a COSHH assessment has
been completed.
Note: A list of Health & Safety Personnel First Aiders etc is posted at each location
20.13 New Materials
Before a new material or substance is used the Managing Director, Project Engineer and Foreman
must consult the manufacturers 'safety data sheet' and any other available information. Whenever
practicable the least hazardous alternative is to be selected.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging
for Supply) Regulations 1999 require that manufacturers and suppliers of hazardous materials make
sufficient health and safety information available, to enable their products to be used properly and
without risk to health and safety. The managing director should quote these regulations if there is
any difficulty in obtaining safety information from suppliers. Guidance is available from the health
and safety consultant.
Substances and materials, which may be hazardous to health or to the environment, are subject to
statutory assessment. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002
places a duty on the employer, to ensure that an assessment of health risks created by work involving
substances hazardous to health has been conducted, prior to the commencement of work
It will be for the Managing Director, Project Engineer or Foreman to ensure that any required risk
assessment is carried out prior to use and that suitable preventive and protective measures are
planned, implemented, controlled, monitored and reviewed. This must include the provision of
information to users and others that may be affected.
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