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respect the knowledge of the target language. Teachers must recognize

                                   that  teaching  writing  skills  in  a  second/foreign  language  includes

                                   teaching  students  how  to  use  written  text  as  a  language  for

                                   communication  and  how  to  capture  the  meaning  of  the  message

                                   communicated  in  writing.  According  to  Uzun  and  Topkaya  (2020),

                                   writing ought to occur in a manner that is suitable for the context, and

                                   this requires an explanation of the criteria that constitute expertise in a

                                   particular genre.

                                         Many  academics  are  concerned  about  GBA.  In  experimental

                                   research,  Cheng and  Su  (2012),  for example, compared the efficacy

                                   goals  of  the  summary  writing  learning  technique  with  the  'genre'

                                   approach.  They  discovered  that  this  method  considerably  improved

                                   students' writing abilities in terms of content, organization, vocabulary,

                                   and language.

                                         This  method,  however,  focused  on  content  and  organization

                                   rather than vocabulary and language. A study conducted by Huang and

                                   Zhang  (2020)  on  genre-based  writing  argumentative  paragraphs  in

                                   quasi-experimental research found that the intervention class's writing

                                   skills were superior than the comparison class, particularly in terms of

                                   substance and organization. The findings of Huang and Zhang's study

                                   confirm  the  findings  of  Cheng  and  Su's  study,  indicating  that  this

                                   strategy  is  more  advantageous  to  the  learning  process  of  students'

                                   writing competency in content and organizational aspects. Unlike the

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