P. 45
2) Model of Argumentative Writing
There are three common models of argumentative writing which
serve different purposes; 1) the Classical model aims to persuade or
convince the readers, 2) the Rogerian model focuses on finding the middle
ground between the audience and the writer, 3) the Toulmin model is used
when there are no clear or absolute solutions to the issues and problem
(Cathy, 2022; Kurtz, 2019). The characteristics of three models are
described in Table 1;
Table 1. Argumentative Writing Models
Classical Model Toulmin Model Rogerian Model
1. An introduction where 1. Make a claim 1. Discuss what the
you introduce the central 2. Provide opposing position gets
message of your paper the grounds (evidence) for right and why people
(the thesis statement). the claim might hold this position
2. Background of the 3. Explain the warrant (how 2. Highlight
subject where you the grounds support the the problems with this
introduce early studies claim) position
about the topic. 4. Discuss 3. Present your own
3. Main arguments — Talk possible rebuttals to the position, showing how it
about the main points of claim, identifying the addresses these problems
your position. limits of the argument and 4. Suggest a
4. Refutation — Here is showing that you have possible compromise—
where your considered alternative what elements of your
counterarguments come perspectives. position would
into place. Introduce the proponents of the
opposite side you will opposing position benefit
from adopting?