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2) Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Assessment also aims to enhance the teaching and learning
process by allowing instructors to provide feedback on students'
learning processes, monitor their progress, and determine their learning
progress. Some practitioners offer various definitions of assessment for
learning (AfL). For instance, Lee (2017) defines the AfL as a type of
classroom assessment that obtains information regarding students'
learning progress, which the teacher can use to facilitate student
learning. Earl and Katz (2006) define the AfL as the event "to make
each student's understanding visible so that teachers can decide what
they can do to help students progress (p.29)". Cheng and Fox (2017)
state that AfL refers to gathering information on student learning
outcomes through formal or non-formal assessments during the
teaching-learning process, such as assigning homework or conducting
informal classroom observations. AfL is defined in an ARG document
as the process of gathering and analyzing evidence for learners and their
instructors to determine where the learners are in their learning, where
they need to go, and how best to get there. Briefly, assessment for
learning (AfL) is the process by which instructors gather information
about students' learning progress during the learning process to make
teaching-learning adjustments.
The researcher believes that both instructors and students
contribute to the teaching-learning adjustments. Therefore, teacher