P. 16

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 6

        At the end of the sessions, the President of the Association for the Protection of the
        Sloughi, Mr. Alim, spoke of the urgent need to protect the Sloughi and revalorize it in our
        society, as well as the need to put a stop to bad crossbreeding practices and imports of

        other breeds that could affect the purity of the Algerian Sloughi.

        The debates were led by students, researchers, members of associations and even the
        general public. Recommendations emerged from each presentation, and these will be
        translated into an official project piloted by the associations and academics, to be
        adopted by the authorities for implementation as soon as possible.

        This is a summary of the first day of the seminar, while the second day was devoted to the
        dog show, which was a little more spectacular and demonstrative (2).

        4. Summary of the second day (Dog Show)

        The second day of the seminar was reserved for a dog show featuring some thirty dogs, in
        the presence of judges to understand canine behavior, set up appropriate training
        attitudes and evaluate their physiognomy, in the presence of the director of the Tlemcen
        National Park (4), Mohamed Moumani, and the head of the department of the technical

        institute of breeding in the agriculture sector, Mrs. Ghania. The scientific and educational
        event was opened by the Rector of the University of Tlemcen, Mourad Meghachou, and
        the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Pr. Nassima Mokhtari Souleimane
        (image 5).

                            Image 5: The university esplanade during preparation for the Dogshow
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