Page 31 - Belajar dan Pembelajaran
P. 31
Theori/teo-ri Major Key Expert/Ahli Principle usefulness
Focus/Fokus Variable/Concept/ for teachers
Utama Kata Kunci
Punishment, Skiner, Reinforcement
Behaviour Guthrie,
modification Hull, etc
Kognitifis-me Knowing/ Decicion Making, Piaget, Explain development
Pengetahuan Understandi-ng, Ausubel, of understanding
Cognitive Bruner, (Meaning
Structure, Gagne, emphasizes
Perception, Stenberg importance of
Information meaning fullness and
Process, Memori organization
Humanis-me The Person/ Self-concept, Self- Maslow, Focus on affective
Pribadi Actualizati-on, Rogers, Development,
Self-growth Vygotsky, emphasizes,adjusmen
Kohlberg, t, well-being
Bandura, J.J
Sumber: Ceramah Kuliah Prof. Waspodo, M. A., Ph.D.
Tabel 2. Konstruktivisme pada Teori-Teori Belajar
Behavioral Exogeneous Endogeneous Dialectical
Skiner Constructivisme Constructivisme Constructivisme
J. Anderson Piaget Vygotsky
Knowledge Fixed body of Fixed body of Changing body of Socially
Pengetahuan knowledge to knowledge to knowledge, constructed
(dasar acquire acquire individu all knowledge
siswa) Stimulated Stimulated from constructed in Built on what
from outside outside, prior, sosial word participant
Knowledge Built on what contribute,
influence how learner brings construct
information is together
Learning Acquition of Acquition of fact, Active Collaborative
(Proses fact, skill, skill, and construction, constuction of
Belajar) concept, and strategic restructuring socially defined
strategic Occur through prior knowledge knowledge and
Occur the effective Occur through values
through application of multiple Occurs through
drill, guided strategies oppertunities and socially
practice diverse procces to constructed
connect to what is opportunities
already known
Teaching Transmisi- Transmision Challenge, guide Co-construct
on, guide students thinking toward kowledge with
presentati-on toward more more complete student
(telling) accurated understanding