Page 27 - K9News_Issue13_October2020_download_Neat
P. 27
As many of you know I am a level always working on new products and
2 dog groomer and I have wanted delivering the best customer service we
to get involved in some of the dog can to the top standard. I would like to
grooming shows this year that have thank my mum and dad personally for
been organised however due to the all the support and advice they have
pandemic I have not been able to given me with my dog boutique and my
attend any dog grooming shows yet like dog grooming they have been amazing.
many other groomers. However, once
everything gets back to normal, I will be Why did I start dog grooming?
attending my very first show which I am
excited about and nervous at the same I have always been keen to work
time. with animals and how I can care for
them in the best way possible. Before
As mentioned, I do have my pet starting dog grooming, I wanted to be
boutique which I am obsessed with it a veterinary nurse but I decided to
has grown so much in the last year and change my mind and still do something
I can’t thank all my customers who have with animals. However, this is still
stood by me. I would like to give you a something that I am super interested in
little bit of an insight into what I do at still very much and I do attend first aid
the boutique. At the dog boutique, we courses to further my education.
stock many leading brands which has
become popular with our regular and Once I have completed my level 3 dog
new customers. Many of our customers grooming course, I will be looking at
come back time and time again because staying at college to yet again further
of the service we provide and the my education and skills. I am looking
quality of the products we stock. We at doing a level 3 animal management
stock many products including beds, course because previously I completed
leads, collars, feeding accessories, food, a level 2 animal care course and I want
harnesses, toys, bowls, etc. We are to be able to one day have my own dog
boarding and cattery where I can
wake up each and every day to
see all the cute little faces and be
able to care for them 247.
I would just like to thank all
my family for everything they
have done for me and been so
supportive. I can’t wait to see
what the future holds.
Lucy K