Page 405 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 405

Chapter 13: Modeling with Polygons and Patches

                           Many of the buttons for the Editable Poly include a small icon to the right of the button that opens a settings
                           caddy. These caddy interfaces appear around the selected subobject and allow you to change the settings and
                           immediately see the results in the viewports. The OK button (a check mark icon) applies the settings and
                           closes the dialog box, and the Apply button (a plus sign icon) applies the settings and leaves the dialog box
                           open. These caddy interfaces are included next to the buttons such as Extrude, Bevel, Outline, and Inset.
                           Editable Poly objects include all their common buttons in the Edit Geometry rollout and all subobject-
                           specific buttons is a separate rollout named after the subobject mode, such as Edit Vertices or Edit Edges.

                           Repeat Last
                           The first button in the Edit Geometry rollout is the Repeat Last button. This button repeats the last sub-
                           object command. This button does not work on all features, but it’s very convenient for certain actions.

                   The tooltip for this button displays the last repeatable command. n

                           Enabling constraints
                           The Constraints options limit the movement of subobjects to a specified subobject. The available constraints
                           are None, Edge, Face, and Normal. For example, if you select and move a vertex with the Edge constraint
                           enabled, then the movement is constrained to the adjacent edges.

                           Tutorial: Creating a roof truss
                           When creating houses, modeling the roof can be tricky, but using an edge constraint makes it much easier.
                           To create a triangular roof truss, follow these steps:
                               1. Select Create ➪ Standard Primitives ➪ Box, and drag in the Top viewport to create a Box object
                                  centered over the Y-axis.
                               2. Right-click the box object and select Convert To ➪ Editable Poly in the pop-up quadmenu.
                               3. Open the Modify panel, and choose the Vertex subobject mode. In the Constraints drop-down list
                                  of the Edit Geometry panel, select the Edge option.
                               4. With the Select and Move tool, drag over the top-left corners and drag them to the Y-axis; then
                                  repeat for the top-right corners.
                           Notice that the points are constrained to the top edge as they are dragged. Moving both sets of points
                           results in a simple perfect triangle.
                   An even easier way to create such a triangle would be to use the Gengon primitive found among the Extended
                   Primitives. n

                           Preserve UVs
                           UV coordinates define how a texture map is applied to an object’s surface. These UV coordinates are tied
                           closely to the surface subobject positions, so moving a subobject after a texture is applied moves the texture
                           also. This could cause discontinuities to the texture map. The Preserve UVs option lets you make subobject
                           changes without altering the UV coordinates for an existing texture.
                           The Settings dialog box for the Preserve UVs option lets you select a Vertex Color and Texture Channel to pre-
                           serve. Figure 13.7 shows two block objects with a brick texture map applied. The inner vertices on the left
                           block were scaled outward without the Preserve UVs option selected; the right block had this option enabled.

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