Page 408 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 408
Part III: Modeling Basics
The Slice Plane mode stays active until you deselect the Slice Plane button or until you right-click in the
viewport; this feature enables you to make several slices in one session. The Slice Plane button is enabled
for all subobject modes. For the Editable Poly object, a Reset Plane button is located next to the Slice Plane
button. Use this button to reset the slice plane to its original location. You use the Split option to double the
number of vertices and edges along the Slice Plane, so each side can be separated from the other. When
used in Element mode, the Split option breaks the sliced object into two separate elements.
The QuickSlice button lets you click anywhere on an Editable Poly object where you want a slicing line to
be located. You can then move the mouse, and the QuickSlice line rotates about the point you clicked on.
When you click the mouse again, a new vertex is added at every place where the QuickSlice line intersects
an object edge. This is a very convenient tool for slicing objects because the slice line follows the surface of
the object, so you can see exactly where the slice will take place.
For the QuickSlice and Cut tools, you can enable the Full Interactivity option (located near the bottom of the
Edit Geometry rollout). With this option enabled, the slice lines are shown as you move the mouse about the
surface. With Full Interactivity disabled, the resulting lines are shown only when the mouse is clicked.
For Editable Poly objects, the Cut button is interactive. If you click a polygon corner, the cut edge snaps to
the corner, and a new edge extends from the corner to a nearby corner. As you move the mouse around, the
edge moves until you click where the edge should end. If you click in the middle of an edge or face, then
new edges appear to the nearest corner.
Tutorial: Combining, cutting, and separating a car model
When dealing with a model that includes interior parts, you may want to slice the object and separate a
portion to reveal the interior. Although this can be accomplished using a camera clipping plane, which is
explained in Chapter 19, “Configuring and Aiming Cameras,” a more permanent solution uses the
QuickSlice and Detach operations.
To combine, slice, and detach a car model, follow these steps:
1. Open the Sliced car.max file from the Chap 13 directory on the DVD.
2. Before you can slice the car, you’ll need to combine the entire car into a single Editable Poly
object. Select one of the body parts, right-click on it, and select the Convert To ➪ Editable Poly in
the pop-up quadmenu.
3. Open the Modify panel, and click on the dialog box icon next to the Attach button in the Edit
Geometry rollout.
4. In the Attach List dialog box that opens, click the Select All button (or use the Ctrl+A shortcut)
and select the Attach button. In the Attach Options dialog box that appears, select the Match
Material IDs to Material option, you can leave the Condense Materials and IDs option checked,
and then click OK.
All objects are now combined into a single Editable Poly object.
5. Click the QuickSlice button, which is also in the Edit Geometry rollout, and click in the Top
viewport at the point where you want to slice the car. Then drag to align the slicing plane, and
click again to make the slice. Click on the QuickSlice button again to exit QuickSlice mode.
6. Select the Polygon subobject mode, and drag over all the polygons below the slice line in the Top
viewport. Then click the Detach button in the Edit Geometry rollout. In the Detach dialog box,
enter the name Car Front and click OK.
7. Disable Polygon subobject mode, and use the Select and Move tool to separate the car front from
the rest of the car.
Figure 13.8 shows the separated car front.
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