Page 407 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 407
Chapter 13: Modeling with Polygons and Patches
The Collapse button is used to collapse all the selected subobjects to a single subobject located at the aver-
aged center of the selection. This button is similar to the Weld button, except that the selected vertices don’t
need to be within a Threshold value to be combined. This button works in all subobject modes.
Attach and Detach
The Attach button is available with all subobject modes, even when you are not in subobject mode. Use the
Attach button to add objects to the current Editable Poly object. You can add primitives, splines, patch
objects, and other mesh objects. Any object attached to a mesh object is automatically converted into an
editable poly and inherits the object color of the object to which it is attached. Any objects added to a poly
object can be selected individually using the Element subobject mode.
If you attach an object that is smoothed using NURMS, the NURMS are lost when the object is attached. n
To use this feature, select the main object and click the Attach button. Move the mouse over the object to
be attached; the cursor changes over acceptable objects. Click the object to select it. Click the Attach button
again or right-click in the viewport to exit Attach mode.
If the object that you click to attach already has a material applied that is different from the current Editable Poly
object, then a dialog box appears giving you options to Match Material IDs to Material, Match Material to
Material IDs, or Do Not Modify Material IDs or Material. Materials and Material IDs are discussed in more detail
in Chapter 15, “Using the Slate Material Editor.” n
Clicking the Attach List button opens the Attach List dialog box (which looks just like the Select Objects
(H) dialog box) where you can select from a list of all the objects to attach. The list contains only objects
that you can attach.
When you enter a subobject mode, the Attach List button changes to a Detach button for poly objects. n
Attaching objects is different from grouping objects because all attached objects act as a single object with
the same object color, name, and transforms. You can access individual attached objects using the Element
subobject mode.
Use the Detach button to separate the selected subobjects from the rest of the object. To use this button,
select the subobject and click the Detach button. The Detach dialog box opens, enabling you to name the
new detached subobject. You also have the options to Detach to Element or to Detach as Clone. All sub-
object modes except Edge have a Detach option. This button appears in place of the Attach List button in
all subobject modes.
Slicing and cutting options
The Slice Plane button lets you split the poly object along a plane. When you click the Slice Plane button, a
yellow slice plane gizmo appears on the selected object. You can move, rotate, and scale this gizmo using
the transform buttons. After you properly position the plane and set all options, click the Slice button to
finish slicing the mesh. All intersected faces split in two, and new vertices and edges are added to the mesh
where the Slice Plane intersects the original mesh.
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