Page 446 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 446
Part III: Modeling Basics
Another common modifier that is used with patch objects is PatchDeform. Learn more about this modifier in
Chapter 21, “Understanding Animation and Keyframes.” n
Meshes are probably the most common 3D modeling types. You can create them by converting objects to
Editable Meshes or Editable Poly objects or by collapsing the Stack. Editable Poly objects in Max have a
host of features for editing meshes, as you learned in this chapter.
Patches don’t have the overhead of NURBS objects and are better optimized than mesh objects. Editable
Patch objects include a huge list of tools you can use to edit and modify them. More specifically, this chap-
ter covered the following topics:
l Creating Editable Poly objects by converting other objects or applying the Edit Poly modifier
l The features for editing Editable Poly objects
l How to select and use the various mesh subobject modes
l Editing mesh objects using the various features found in the Edit Geometry rollout
l Changing surface properties using features like NURMS
l Creating Quad and Tri Patch grids
l Discovering the features of an Editable Patch object
l Working with the Editable Patch subobjects
l Working with patch-specific modifiers such as the surface tools
This chapter provided an introduction to mesh, polygon, and path objects, but the next chapter steps it up
with coverage of the Graphite Modeling tools, which work with Editable Poly objects.
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