Page 447 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 447


                   Using the Graphite

                   Modeling Tools and

                   Painting with Objects

                        he previous chapter covered everything you need to know about model-
                        ing with polygons, but the problem with the polygon workflow is the   IN THIS CHAPTER
                   Tping-pong effect of moving back and forth between the current model
                   and the Command Panel. Although you can float the Command Panel or even   Working with the Graphite
                   use the quad menus to access most of these commands, the Max developers have   Modeling tools
                   presented an entirely new workflow based on the new Ribbon interface.  Using the Freeform tools
                   The Ribbon sits conveniently above the viewports, but you can pull off and float
                   any of the individual panels as needed. The Ribbon panels are dynamic, so only   Selecting specific subobjects
                   those tools that work with the current selection are presented. This places the   Painting with objects
                   tools you need right in front of you when you need them.
                   The Ribbon is populated with all the features for working with Editable Poly
                   objects that are found in the Command Panel. It also includes a large number of
                   brand-new tools for selecting and working with polygon objects. These tools col-
                   lectively are called the Graphite Modeling tools.
                   The Ribbon also is home to several new panels of tools that allow you to paint
                   deformations into your models, make unique selections, and select and paint
                   with objects using brushes. The best part of these new tools is that they all elimi-
                   nate the ping-pong effect. Our necks thank you, Autodesk.

                   Working with the Graphite
                   Modeling Tools

                   The Ribbon interface, shown in Figure 14.1, can be turned on and off using a
                   button on the main toolbar or using the Customize ➪ Show UI ➪ Show Ribbon
                   menu. When enabled, the button turns yellow and the Ribbon appears in the
                   same state it was in the last time it was opened. By double-clicking the Ribbon
                   title bar, you can switch among displaying just the top tabs; just the tabs and
                   panel titles; just the tabs, panel titles, and panel buttons; or the entire panel. This
                   is great if you want to keep the Ribbon around but hide most of the buttons.


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