Page 450 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 450
Part III: Modeling Basics
The Polygon Modeling panel also includes buttons for turning on and off subobject selection preview and
for ignoring backfacing. The Use Soft Selection button enables you to select a feathered group of subobjects.
When enabled, the Soft panel appears, as shown in Figure 14.3.
Using the Soft panel, you can enable Edit mode, which lets you interactively change the Falloff, Pinch, and
Bubble settings. When the Edit button is enabled, the cursor looks like two circles. This is Falloff mode,
and dragging the mouse changes the amount of falloff for the soft selection. If you click in the viewport, the
cursor changes to a peak indicating Pinch edit mode. Click again to access Bubble edit mode, which looks
like an upside-down letter U. Continue to click to cycle through these edit modes. These values also can be
set in the Soft panel using the various spinner controls.
Using the Soft Selection features is covered in Chapter 10, “Accessing Subobjects and Using Modeling Helpers.” n
The Paint button in the Soft panel opens the PaintSS panel, also shown in Figure 14.3, with buttons for
blurring, reverting, and opening the Painter Options dialog box, which holds the brush settings. You also
can set the Value, Size, and Strength of the soft selection brush.
The Use Edge Distance option lets you select adjacent edges to the current selection rather than using a fall-
off amount.
The Soft and PaintSS panels let you control how soft selections are made.
Use Backface
Use Edge Distance
Generate Topology
Located at the bottom of the Ribbon’s Polygon Modeling panel is an option to Generate Topology. This
option opens the Topology pop-up panel, shown in Figure 14.4, showing several patterns. Selecting a pat-
tern applies the selected pattern to the selected object or to the object’s subobject selection if you hold
down the Shift key.
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