Page 472 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 472
Part III: Modeling Basics
The Push/Pull tool also has Size and Strength values, but it is different in that the brush follows the surface
of the object. Dragging over an area pulls the vertices within the brush’s radius outward, and holding down
the Ctrl key pushes the vertices inward. The Shift key relaxes the area under the brush.
The Relax/Soften brush removes any extreme changes in the surface such as hard edges of a cube. The Alt
key lets you relax the surface without changing its volume, and the Ctrl key causes the surface to revert to
its previous state.
Flatten and Pinch/Spread
The Flatten brush pulls any bends out of the mesh causing the object to be working into a flat plane. The
Ctrl key causes the object to revert to its previous state, and the Shift key accesses the Relax/Soften brush.
The Pinch/Spread tool causes vertices to be pulled in closer to each other, and holding down the Alt key has
the opposite effect and pushes them away.
Smudge, Noise, and Exaggerate
The Smudge tool pushes the surrounding vertices away from the center of the brush. Dragging over the
same vertices multiple times moves them each time. Holding down the Alt key causes the vertices to be
moved only along the surface and not to be moved along the normal. The Noise tool randomly moves the
vertices about to create a random noise pattern. The Exaggerate tool pushes vertices farther in the current
direction to emphasize the details.
At any point, you can use the Revert tool to gradually change the object back to its last saved point. You can
set a save point by clicking the Commit button, which looks like a green check mark. The Cancel button (a
red X) removes the recent changes from the object.
Using the Selection Tools
The next tab offers several additional Selection tools. These tools make it possible to locate specific subob-
jects by looking for certain criteria such as concavity, normals, and symmetry. Figure 14.24 shows the pan-
els for this tab.
Selecting Tops, Open, and Non-Quads
The first three tools in the Selection tab are the Tops, Open, and Non-Quads tools. The Tops tool selects all
vertices resulting from the extruded sections. This quickly lets you grab all extended sections and extend or
reduce them as needed. The Open tool selects all open borders, and the Non-Quads tool finds all polygons
that consist of trios or more than four corners. This is a valuable tool when working with edge loops.
Copying and pasting selections
The Stored Selection panel lets you copy a selection of subobjects into two available stores. These copied
selections can be restored at any time by clicking the Paste button. Additional buttons let you combine the
two selection stores, subtracting one from another and getting only the intersecting selection between the
two. The Clear button removes the selection from the store.
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