Page 124 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 124


                                        National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

                                 REGIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON REPORT
                            “”To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and To Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession”

                                                       Sororal Year 2019
                                CREDENTIALS REPORT:  Regional Chair: Soror Terry Wood

                                The 79 Eastern Regional Conference ~Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
                                                    Richmond, Va- Midlothian
                                                       April 25 – 28, 2019

                  The registration process proceeded smoothly, all registered chapters submitted the proper
                  documents and cleared Credentials in a smooth and expeditious manner.   The following is
                  reported for the record.
                  Number of Chapters Chartered                                    42

                  Number of Chapters Inactive                                     11

                  Number of Chapters Registered                                   29

                  Number of Chapters Present                                      29

                  Number of Chapters Clearing Credentials                         29

                  Number of chapters absent                                       02

                         Voting Strength                                                 58
                  Summary of Voting Strength: Two votes per chapter.

                  Majority is equal to voting strength divided by two plus one - 26 +1 = 30

                  2/3 vote                                                        39

                  Special thanks to our delegates who were respectful, patient and kind to our Credentials
                  Committee members.  A very special thanks to the Credentials Committee who were a pleasure
                  to work with.  They got up early and stayed to the end without any complaints.   A heartfelt
                  thanks to Suzanne Gibbs for all her guidance and help.   Thank you for the opportunity to serve

                  In the way of recommendation,

                  I would ask all Delegates to check and double check to make sure that they have packed all the
                  needed credentials.
                  Make sure you send anything that needs to be mail in a timely manner so it will not arrive after
                  the needed date.

                  Terry Woods
                  Terry Woods
                  Credentials Chair

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