Page 162 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 162


                      Description of the Activity: The Public relations Committee continues to work on increasing
               awareness of the chapter's work to the community.  This year the Public relations committee designed
               and published a chapter brochure which highlighted the various  aspects of the  Y.E.S. program.  They
               designed  two banners flags for the chapter and the Lilly Pearl Foundation.  These banners are mounted
               on two streetlight poles on M.L. King Drive in Jersey City, New Jersey.  The Public relations Committee
               also maintains the chapter presence on social media and  they created a chapter Instagram Account. The
               sorors attended a movie showing of Harriet during the opening weekend.  Following the movie viewing,
               sorors discussed the importance of keeping the legacy of Harriet Tubman and other trailblazing freedom
               fighters current in the 21st century.  Sorors also discussed the essential role Black woman took part in
               post-slavery and doing the Civil Rights Movement.
                      FOUNDERS' DAY: Number of Sorors: 43 Others: 4
               Description of the Activity: On May 19,2019 the members of Alpha Chapter celebrated Founders' Day
               with sorors from Beta epsilon, Delta Nu and Epsilon Chi Chapters worshiping at Christ Episcopal
               Church, Teaneck, NJ., with the Rev. Dr. Michelle White.    Her sermon was centered around the need
               for "change."  Delta Nu Chapter also bought their Krinon Club members to the church service. The
               Torch Lighting Services and Program were conducted at the Stony Hill Inn, Hackensack, NJ.  the
               program theme was 1923 Trivia which included historical events, food and clothing cost, housing and
               furniture prices and the role-playing of an interview with founder Florence Steele Hunt taken from the
               1997 Spring Courier newspaper.  The afternoon concluded with NSPDK trivia questions.   Each winner
               received a Cali Lily reward.  The Founders' Day Litany, "We Speak Your Name" was the final
               occurrence  of the afternoon.

              s      SERVICE
                                     INTERNATIONAL PROJECT ($100)
                                     NATIONAL PROJECT ($100)
                                     LOCAL PROJECTS ($390)
                      HEALTH, NUTRITION & HYPERTENSION:  No. of Sorors: 30        Others: 0 Description
               of the Activity: The annual presentation focus on In the Pink Breast Cancer.  We were pleased to have
               Mrs. Katherine Cooper, President of the Sisters Network of Essex County, as our guest speaker.  Mrs.
               Cooper and her assistance Ms. Foote gave an inspiring presentation.  They both related their breast cancer
               experience.  They also related Mr. Cooper journey with breast Cancer. They performed community
               outreaches by providing financial assistance when needed through their breast cancer assistance program
               as well as walking and running for cancer research.  The groups most important message is early
               detection help save lives.
               VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (RSVP):  Number of Sorors: 18    Others:
               Description of the Activity:  The retired sorors  of Alpha Chapter meet on the second and fourth
               Saturday of each month at Monumental Baptist Church.  We meet at the Church to volunteer in the Soup
               Kitchen.  Approximately 75-80 people are served which include men, woman and children.  We also
               collected empty pill bottles.  The project requires the removal of the label, cleaning the bottles
               thoroughly, sorting according to size and shape.  The bottles had to be recapped and put into large Ziploc
               bags.  The bottles were shipped to Matthew 25 Ministries where they are used for medical supplies in
               other countries.  The retired Sorors also volunteer their time reading to students in schools.  We have
               gone to Public Schools 11,12,22 and 29 in Jersey City, New Jersey.
                      ANTHROPOS:  Number of Sorors: 10          Others:10
               Description of the Activity: The Anthropos has welcomed a new member, Joshua Gaines a former Kudo
               to Alpha Chapter, under the leadership of Richard Jackson.  The 2019 Niagara Falls fundraiser was a
               success.  The men raised enough to award five graduating Kudos who met the criteria set by the
               Anthropos Scholarship Committee.  The Kudos and the amount received was Daniel Jenkins ($400),
               Kendal Robinson ($400), Tyrik Defoe ($200), Stephen McLeod ($200), and Jarrett Pickney ($200).  The
               presentations were made at the Chapter's June meeting.  Each graduating senior was presented with a
               certificate and upon proof of their fall semester schedule received his award.  The Anthropos showed
               their support to Alpha Chapter Sisters with a donation of ($200) to Soror Sandra Webster for her ERD
               Campaign, the Anthropos are inspired by the efforts of the Alpha Sisters endeavors.  Future plan is to
               sponsor a trip to the resorts World Casino, Catskills, NY.

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