Page 163 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 163


                                              National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
                                               CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                "To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and to Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession"
                                                CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                                   SORORAL YEAR _2019_

                 CHAPTER: Beta                              LOCATION: Washington, DC
                 BASILEUS: Wanda Fox                        1 ST  ANTI-BASILEUS: Shellie Greene
                  CHAPTER MEETING SCHEDULE:                  4 TH           Saturday       10 AM

                                                             Week:           Day:             Time:
                  CHAPTER GROWTH
                  New Members (Krinon Club):        Financial Members: 59     Transfers: 1      Reinstatements: 0
               Y       YOUTH                             Y. E. S. PROGRAM

                           XINOS:      Number of Members: 3        Number of Sorors: 6
              Exemplary Activities: Youth meet monthly at a local library. February- attended the Alfred Street Baptist
              Church College Fair at Washington Convention Center . March- attended NSPDK ER Youth Leadership
              Conference in Winston Salem, NC ; also served as fashion models and photographers for Beta Chapter's Annual
              Scholarship Gala. April- Community Service Project preparing Easter Baskets for Seniors at Stoddart Baptist
                     KUDOS:       Number of Members: 4        Number of Sorors: 6
              Exemplary Activities: May- Xinos/Kudos held election of officers, planned graduation celebration. June- hosted
              year-end bowling party to recruit new members. November- Youth and advisors volunteered with Project Give
              Back helping to assemble and distribute over 200 Thanksgiving Baskets to needy families.
                     KAPPA OMICRON TAU (KOT):
                     HUB PARENTS: Number of Members: 10  Number of Sorors: 6
              Exemplary:February- Hub Parents assisted with 2 fundraisers to raise money for Youth Leadership Conference
              transportation(Popcorn Sales Drive and Spirit Night at Chik-fil-A). March- 1 parent served as a chaperone at
              YLC. 6 parents participated in post conference debriefing activities. April-June Hub Parents assisted with Xinos/
              Kudos recruitment activities.
                e             SCHOLARSHIP:

                              National Scholarship Participants (Number) 0
                              Regional Scholarship Participants (Number) 1
                              Chapter Scholarship Participants (Number) 6
                                              Amount of the award: $6,500
                              Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Inc., amount of gift: $1,300

                READING: (in the content areas, tutoring, mathematics, language, science, social studies, family literacy,
                etc.)  Number of Sorors: 12  Number of Students:  250  Descritpiton of Activities: Sorors provided youth
                with insight into business, varied cultures and democracy. Sorors served as Harambee Guest Readers at the
                Holy Comforter Episcopal Church Summer Camp. Books titles were: "The Making of A Young
                Entrepreneur: A Kids Guide to Developing the Mind-Set for Success" by Gabrielle J. Williams; "I Love
                Saturdays Y Domingos" by Alma Flora Ada; I can Only IMAGINE: The Schoolhouse and The Presidency
                after 44" by Angela Michelle Tilghman.
                       AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY:  Number of Sorors: 8 Others: 20
                Description of the Activity: Sorors celebrated Black History, by sharing the accomplishments of local
                female African American authors.  The authors were invited to the Kimball ES "Emerging Authors on Tour
                " event to share with 150 students what inspires them and how their ideas evolve as writers.  The authors
                shared how they got to explore the world through research and writing.
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