Page 159 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 159


                                            National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

                               "To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and to Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession"

                                              CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                                  SORORAL YEAR _2019_

                CHAPTER:  Alpha                         LOCATION: Jersey City, NJ
                BASILEUS: Perry Jackson                 1 ST  ANTI-BASILEUS: Francenia  Britten Sheppert
                CHAPTER MEETING SCHEDULE:                   2 nd                   Saturday        11AM
                                                               Week                Day             Time
                CHAPTER GROWTH
                New Members (Krinon Club):             Financial Members: 30     Transfers: 0   Reinstatements:1

                                                     Y. E. S. PROGRAM

              Y        YOUTH

                              XINOS:  Number of Members:20                Number of Sorors:2
                Exemplary Activities: The Alpha Chapter Xinos, along with the support of Alpha Chapter
                sorors, collected items for homeless women and stored them in gently used donated pocketbooks
                for their Christmas community service.  The Alpha Xinos, Kudos, Hub Parents, and advisors met
                up with Epsilon Alpha Xinos, Kudos, and  advisors in New York City on December 21,2019 for
                lunch at Dallas BBQ's as well as a brisk walk to Rockerfeller Center to see the magnificent
                Christmas tree.  With their pocketbooks in hand, the Xinos were challenged to pass those
                plentiful bags off to any woman in need during that day.

                        KUDOS:  Number of Members:12                Number of Sorors:2
                Exemplary Activities: The Alpha Kudos participated in Missions 4 His Glory Shoe Box Drive.
                The Kudos filled three shoe boxes with age appropriate gifts for children.  The boxes contained
                socks, hats, pencils, crayons, books, coloring books, toy cars, dolls, and small balls for the
                children to play with.  The boxes went to Nariobi, Kenya and was given out to children who
                without these gifts of love would have nothing for the holiday.

                        KAPPA OMICRON TAU (KOT)                  Number of Members:0  Number of Sorors: 8
                Exemplary Activities: The Kappa Omicron Tau Committee has interviewed several freshman
                students who have expressed an interest in the KOT program.  Letters will be sent out during the
                Winter of 2020 to invite interested students to apply for membership.  We anticipate hosting and
                inducting a line during the end of Spring 2020 semester.

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