Page 171 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 171


                                                 National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
                                   "To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and to Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession"

                                             CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                                  SORORAL YEAR _2019

                CHAPTER:   ZETA                                LOCATION: Philadelphia, PA
                BASILEUS: Dr. Eloise Robinson                  1 ST  ANTI-BASILEUS: Joyce G. Banks
                Redd CHAPTER MEETING                       1St.          Saturday       10:00 a.m.
                SCHEDULE:                                  Week          Day            Time

                CHAPTER GROWTH                      Financial Members: 54            Reinstatements:  1
                New Members (Krinon Club):
                                                    Y. E. S. PROGRAM

              Y        YOUTH

                       XINOS:   Number of Members: 6                     Number of Sorors: 3  Description pf
                       Activities: Zeta Xinos, Kudos, Sorors, HUB Parent and  a sibling volunteered at the M L
                       King Day of Service project sponsored by Global Citizen. After a brief memorial
                       service, the group joined other volunteers assembling Peanut Butter and  Jelly
                       Sandwiches packed in lunches for the homeless  in Philadelphia. Everyone felt good
                       doing something that would benefit our community's less fortunate in remembrance of
                       Dr. King.  This, out third year helping at this site was the most fun.

                       KUDOS: Number of Members: 9                 Number of Sorors: 3  Description of
                       Activities: Zeta Kudos joined by Xinos and Sorors visited Cliveden Nursing Home to
                       share the holiday spirit. As they walked the halls they sang Christmas carols and gave
                       residents gifts of socks.  Many residents and their guests joined in the singing. One
                       resident recognized several of Zeta youth members from the church they attend.
                       Everyone, including staff members, seemed to enjoy the annul visit.

                       HUB PARENTS: Zeta is in the beginning stages of developing of a HUB parent group.

              e       EDUCATION
                              National Scholarship Participants (Number)
                              Regional Scholarship Participants (Number)
                              Chapter Scholarship Participants (1)
                              Amount of Award:     $2,000.00

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