Page 193 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 193


              e       EDUCATION
                                     National Scholarship Participants   0
                                     Regional Scholarship Participants 0
                                     Chapter Scholarship Participants 3
                                     Amount of the award:  $3,000.00
                                     Perpetual Scholarship Foundation, Inc., amount of gift: $200.00

                       READING: (in the content areas, tutoring, mathematics, language, science, social
                studies, family literacy, etc.)    Number of Sorors: 15           Number of Students: 475
                Description of the Activity: We continued to support our National Initiative of Read Across
                NSPDK, Inc,; this year we obtained over 1, 000 signatures.  We collaborated with the United
                Way of Delaware and Bancroft Elementary School, Sorors helped students select four free
                books.  We manned the computer documenting the amount of books each student selected twice
                last year.  The total number of books for the year was 10.  Additionally, we read to the students.

                       AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY:  Number of Sorors:   25  Xinos: 10 Kudos: 5
                Others: 10   Description of the Activity: The members and guests met Ms. Bessie Coleman, the
                first Black woman pilot who was portrayed by Ms. Sharon Moore.  During the dramatization,
                Ms. Coleman shared her experiences.  A display of books depicting her life were given to Sorors
                as prizes.  In addition, activity sheets were available so that Sorors could share them with family
                and friends.  After that fantastic program, Sorors enjoyed a healthy meal!
                       TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTERS:   No. of Sorors:              65     Number of Participants:  10
                Description of the Activity: In our efforts to "Go Green", members received minutes,
                correspondence from Epistoleus, and chairmen reports electronically at Executive Board and
                General meetings.  Additionally, members are constantly being instructed in using ZOOM and
                Goggle Docs.  The Executive Board and Youth Advisors have had several meetings using
                ZOOM.  At Chapter meetings, members had an opportunity to read reports electronically.  Sorors
                are informed of events using Remind.  Soror Lisa Mims and Joyce Lester provided technology in-
                service at the Colonial School District Conference in October.  Due to Sorors' request, we have
                spent more time training them using technology.

                       Number of Sorors: 15  Others:  500     Description of the Activity: Soror Carolyn Bryant
                and Sorors collaborated with the owner of Bacon's Boutique and William Penn High School and
                purchased and donated 5 storage bins to help organize the clothes closet at Rose Hill Community
                Center.  Clothes were provided for children to prevent disruption of their school attendance in
                order to reduce the rate of absenteeism.  We partnered with Soror Lisa Mims and Pleasantville
                Elementary School and donated over 1.000 pairs of socks to the Sunday Breakfast Mission, a
                homeless shelter.  Xinos, Kudos, Hub Parents, and Sorors served Thanksgiving dinner to the
                SBM clients.  We sang Christmas carols at Nursing Home and finally collected soda tabs to
                donate to the Ronald McDonald House.

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