Page 217 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 217

              (ACADEMIC ISSUES AND CURRENT TRENDS)   Number of Sorors:  23     Others:
              Description of the Activity: Through emails and general information shared at several presentations
              at sororal meetings, the sorors were made aware of the gerrymandering that has impacted our
              voting districts and our lack of representation in our state government. We were informed regarding
              the status of requiring an ID for voting. We were encouraged to make our voices heard, not only by
              voting, but also by calling our representatives to inform them of our stance on issues. Handouts
              were given so that we could share this information with others. (Several of our members are
              precinct leaders).
                     Sisterhood Activities: Number of Sorors: 22           Others: 100
              Description of the Activity: To kick off our Summer Planning Retreat, sorors gathered in a suite
              in Downtown Winston-Salem for Sisterly Sip, Chew and Chat, and watched the BET Awards.
              Each soror left with a keepsake bracelet they made, with an added pearl. The sorors hosted a
              "Jeans and Gems" social function at the Summit Event Center. Several "inactive" sisters attended
              and were re-energized to reactivate their membership. The DJ kept people on the floor. We also
              held a silent auction that brought in funds for our scholarship program. Great food! Great fun!
              Great fellowship!
                     FOUNDERS' DAY:  Number of Sorors: 24      Others: 300
              Description of the Activity: Sorors met at First Waughtown Baptist Church to conduct our sororal
              procedures for Founders Day. An area had been set up for us to do this in private. We, then, joined
              the church service, along with our Anthropos. We were recognized in the service. Our Basileus,
              Donna Mickens, presented a check from the chapter, in the amount of $100.00, for the church's
              scholarship fund. After service, we inducted seven new sorors, showered them with gifts, and then
              enjoyed a delicious meal. Various sorors were recognized for displaying the characteristics
              identified in our pearls.

               s     SERVICE

                           INTERNATIONAL PROJECT ($ 100):
                           NATIONAL PROJECT ($100):
                            LOCAL PROJECTS ($100):

                      HEALTH, NUTRITION AND HYPERTENSION:Number of Sorors: 26  Description of
               the Activity: Sorors were encouraged to lead healthier lifestyles through motivational speakers,
               exercise routines, line dancing and/or aerobics. We were given handouts regularly, sent emails,
               blogs, videos and critical information to motivate us. We have a goal for the sorority to lose, as a
               group, 150 pounds by May of 2020. The Soror who loses the most weight will get a prize. All
               participants will receive a gift.

                        VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (RSVP): Number of Sorors: 6                 Others:   0 Description
                 of the Activity: Our retired sorors reviewed our chapter by-laws, and updated them to reflect the
                 new Manual of Policiesand Procedures. Some of our retired sorors have returned to work, while
                 others are available to mentor,tutor, and read to students.

                        ANTHROPOS:   Number of Sorors: 4             Others: 30
                 Description of the Activity: The Anthropos have been faithful in their support of the chapter.
                 They have celebrated us by furnishing an end-of-the-year cookout, with all the fixings. They
                 have worked with the Xinos and Kudos and served as chaperones when needed. They have
                 attended our events and helped to set-up, clean-up and lift-up. Beta Lambda Anthropos and
                 Sorors, along with the Eastern Regional Director supported Soror Valeria Edwards during the
                 Homegoing of Anthropos Michael Edwards, Sr. in October.

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