Page 231 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 231


                                       National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
                                REGIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON REPORT

                                             CHAPTER ACTIVITY REPORT
                                                    Sororal Year 2019

                CHAPTER Delta Nu                           LOCATION Bergen/Passaic, NJ
                BASILEUS Gwynne Burt                       1 ANTI-BASILEUS Danielle Drakeford
                CHAPTER MEETING SCHEDULE:       2       nd         Saturday          10:00am___
                                                       Week      Day            Time
               CHAPTER GROWTH
                   New Members (Krinon Club) : 33 Financial Members: 3535 Transfers: 0 ReInstatements: 1
                                                   Y. E. S. PROGRAM
         Y  YOUTH
                 XINOS:   Number of Members: 11             Number of Sorors:  3 3
         Exemplary Activities: On Sunday, October 27, 2019, the RL Network (former Delta Nu Xinos Lindsay James
         and her business partner Ryan Cobb) presented an engaging entrepreneurial workshop to the Xinos, Kudos and
         advisors of Delta Nu.  Our youth learned that it takes confidence, supply and demand and selflessness to
         become a successful business person and to have a successful thriving business.  After a brief video
         presentation, our Xinos and Kudos were split into groups and charged with a task to Internet research an item
         that is popular and in high demand amongst their peers.  Each group had to present their findings to the larger
         group that highlighted the actual price of the item they researched and what the price of that item would be if it
         was bought wholesale;  each group then had to explain how they plan to market this item.  Our Xinos and
         Kudos were very engaged and the presenters were very informative about their items.  Thank you to the RLL
         Network for an awesome presentation and we look forward to meeting with you again in May.
                 KUDOS:  Number of Members:  77                   of Sorors: 3 3
         Exemplary Activities: On Sunday, October 27, 2019, the RLL Network (former Delta Nu Xinos Lindsay
         James and her business partner Ryan Cobb) presented an engaging entrepreneurial workshop to the Xinos,
         Kudos and advisors of Delta Nu.  Our youth learned that it takes confidence, supply and demand and
         selflessness to become a successful business person and to have a successful thriving business.  After a brief
         video presentation, our Xinos and Kudos were split into groups and charged with a task to Internet research an
         item that is popular and in high demand amongst their peers.  Each group had to present their findings to the
         larger group that highlighted the actual price of the item they researched and what the price of that item would
         be if it was bought wholesale;  each group then had to explain how they plan to market this item.  Our Xinos
         and Kudos were very engaged and the presenters were very informative about their items. Thank you to the
         RLL Network for an awesome presentation and we look forward to meeting with you again in May.
                 KAPPA OMICRON TAU (KOT): No. of Members:  0      No. of Sorors: ___39__ Exemplary
         Activities: Delta Nu is in the process of developing a relationship with colleges and universities in Bergen and
         Passaic Counties in order to start a KOT chapter on their campus.  Sorors provided information about the
         sorority and the KOT program to student teachers in their respective buildings.
                HUB PARENTS: Number of Members:  155Number of Sorors: 55
                Exemplary Activities: HUB parents meet the 4th Sunday of each month.
         Their activities include assisting with the following youth events and activities:
         March 2020 - Xinos/Kudos Youth Conference
         May 2020- Walked in the Memorial Day Parade, Englewood, NJ
         October 2019  - Popcorn Fundraiser and Trunk or Treat
         November 2019  - Prepared a Thanksgiving Meal for the HUB Parents, Delta Nu Sorors, and Anthropos
         November 2019 - Food Drive for Bergen Family Center, Englewood, NJ
         December 2018 - Kwanzaa Celebration, Hackensack, NJ  and Toy Drive for Paterson Task Force, Paterson, NJ
         E EDUCATION

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