Page 229 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 229


             Summer  Reading  Enrichment  Program–-the  students  were  so  excited  with  their  brand  new  books
             to  add  to  their  personal  home libraries!  Sorors  in  attendance  were  Chair  Emma  Davis,  Camika
             Holland,  Teresa  Moody-Butler, Ellen Simpson-Ford  and Annie Smith,  Thanks to all of our Sorors
             for their immense support of this successful project!!
                    AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY:  No. of Sorors: 133   Kudos:  Others: 3377
             Description of the Activity: On Thursday, February 21, 2019 Delta Lambda presented their annual
             African American History Program at the New York Avenue Apartments Community Room.  The
             Program Chair Soror Ellen Simpson-Ford presented the concept of local black history wherein two
             Sorors -Jane Ladson-Rice and Doris Simmons -displayed photos and spoke about their experiences
             growing up in the North and the South to answer the question; “Was It Better In The North Or The
             South?”  It was determined that there were really no differences between the two in terms of previous
             rampant racism! Soror Simmons also displayed President Obama mementos from her awesome
             collection!!  After an excellent program, our guests played Black History Facts Bingo with prizes
             donated by our Sorors. All were served a delicious soul food dinner provided by Chef Brian

             SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Number of Sorors: 3333       Others: 1233
             Description of the Activity: Delta Lambda Chapter hosted its 38th Annual Scholarship Awards and
             Recognition Brunch: Brunch In The Country on Saturday, June 1, 2019.  The event was held at the
             Linwood Country Club in Linwood, NJ.  Soror Turkessa Lee served as our lively Mistress of
             Ceremonies.  Two graduating high school seniors - both planning to major in education -were the
             recipients of 2019 $1000.00 scholarships.  Additionally, two high school students each received the
             “Youth Making A Difference Award”.  The “Educational Excellence”, Community Service” and
             “Government Public Service” recognitions were awarded to three very deserving candidates.
             Congressman Jeff Van Drew made a surprise apperance and spoke briefly.  We were also graced by
             the presence of our Xinos!  Past Basileus Andrea Stroud presented special PDK pop-ups to all Sorors
             –-we had a grand time!!

                    TEACH-A-RAMA:  Number of Sorors: 133 Xinos: 11              Kudos: 0       Others: 15
             Description of the Activity: Our Teach-A-Rama was chaired by Soror Teresa Moody-Butler who did
             an outstanding job in creating a Power Point highlighting our topics of the NJEA (New Jersey
             Education Association) Equity Alliance Initiatives and ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences.  She
             gave an enthralling testimony of her personal experience as a caring and compassionate educator
             dealing with a young student suffering from toxic stress.  We received ample support from our
             community thru the presence of Pleasantville Council President Judy Ward and Rev. Quenna Martin
             of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Pleasantville, NJ  - our venue for this event.  But the best part
             was having our Xinos to attend courtesy of their Advisor Soror Velecia Bush!!

                    LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Number of Sorors: 38
             Description of the Activity: This year our monthly meetings focused on not only preparing chapter
             members for leadership roles by referring to and reviewing the Manual of Policies and Procedures but
             also taking a closer look at the Delta Lambda Chapter By-Laws with the recommendation of forming
             a By-Laws Committee to review and update.  Executive Meetings are also adhered to on a monthly

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