Page 70 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 70

             The diamond goes under heat which feels uncomfortable.  This is similar to when we receive
             constructive criticism and have conversations to push our thinking. When under that uncomfortable
             heat, it may also be when you are  releasing some of the responsibilities you had for years and share
             those responsibilities with sorors to get their ideas to help raise the level of engagement.
             The diamond then feels pressure. This is similar to our Professional Development we receive at our
             meetings and conferences.  The pressure is also felt when we stand at the mic to share a concern, but
             then are challenged to actually finding the evidence in our Manual of Policies and Procedures to state
             our case. You see, the pressure is only helping us to become a better version of ourselves.  For
             example, the Professional Development this weekend taught us how to be better and more efficient
             as an organization from using QuickBooks to keep a more accurate financial record keeping, to using
             Google to allow everyone to see data and information live time to connecting on Zoom to conduct
             meetings on a regular basis. You see Zoom keeps us connected from far and near.  There is pressure
             being applied because as an organization, we are uncomfortable (Please note: Being uncomfortable
             is not a bad or negative feeling.  It is simply a feeling.  This is a feeling that is going to take us to the
             next level).  We feel the pressure to turn-key, implement and push each other forward.  We feel
             pressure to hold one another accountable.  Although all of these things may sound good, it
             sometimes puts us in a vulnerable space because of the unknown. Please note: In the beginning, I
             said we must know our history - because this will help guide us as we continue to move forward and
             go from good to great.
             The pressure has been applied - NOW, the diamond gets cut. This is similar to taking on a growth
             mindset and cutting out the negative thoughts from how we used to think.

             So, if you are willing to openly receive constructive criticism, engage in and implement strategies
             from Professional Development and cut out the old way of thinking to take on a growth mindset,
             then you are ready to start the work of becoming an ELEGANT DIAMOND EDUCATOR.

                Did everyone hear me?  Let me repeat that:  if you are willing to openly receive constructive
             criticism, engage in and implement strategies from Professional Development and cut out the old
             way of thinking to take on a growth mindset, then you are ready to start the work of becoming an

             Diamonds found in nature are rough and uneven.  In order for the diamond to shine, it will go
             through a process.

             Going through this journey is supposed to be hard work. I am talking about the work of PDK. If it
             weren’t difficult, then there would be no growth. There would be no resistance.  It would be nothing
             to force you to grow stronger and become better.  This is our time to continue to grow and become
             stronger and transform into a  better version of ourselves. We evolve through the challenges,
             successes, resistance and persistence. Nothing good will come easy but the truth of the matter is as
             we continue to preserve, we will see the fruits of our labor. We don’t grow when things are easy.
             We grow when we face challenges.
             As we continue on this journey together with some of the following - sisterhood, increased
             membership, and having productive youth groups in each chapter, please know that I am aware that
             the journey will not always feel good. There will be times when we smile and times when we wipe
             our tears. However, in the end, we will see the rewards in our organization. Our Founders started
             something powerful.  It is our due diligence to live out the mission. So, as we continue this journey, I
             charge you to remember through the good and bad your WHY you are doing what you are doing
             everyday…. THE CHILDREN!

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