Page 82 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 82


                                              National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

                                       REGIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON REPORT
                                                             Sororal Year 2019

                 Y. E. S. Program Committee: Scholarship    Regional Chair: Soror Rhonda J. Baskerville

                 Briefly describe and highlight exemplary programs reported by chapters of the region.
                 Summarize exemplary reports only and list the contributing chapters at the end of the report.

                 Description of exemplary programs reported by chapters of the Region:

                 Scholarship reports were received by the following chapters for 2019-2020:  Alpha, Zeta,
                 Theta, Pi, Rho, Beta Lambda, Beta Omicron, Gamma Mu, Delta Pi, and Epsilon Alpha.
                 Chapters reported giving monetary awards to their Senior Xinos and Kudos as well as to other
                 graduating seniors in the community.

                 Alpha chapter awarded 3 scholarships in the amount of $3,500 ($1,000 (renewable), $1,500, and
                 $1,000) as well as a Book Award for $500 to graduating seniors desiring a career in education.
                 Zeta chapter continues to support students at West Chester University with an annual $2,000
                 scholarship.Theta chapter awards their graduating Xinos and Kudos with Book Awards to
                 support their collegiate needs. Pi chapter has awarded five local scholarships to nine high school
                 students in the community totaling $5,500.  All scholarship recipients receive their award
                 certificates at their high school's Scholarship Awards Night and are also invited to Pi's Annual
                 Chapter Tea to receive their scholarship check. Rho chapter awarded three $1,000 scholarships
                 to graduating seniors who have been accepted to accredited colleges/universities and are seeking
                 careers in education or a related field.  Also, these awards are renewable if the candidate
                 completes the application and maintains eligibility.  They also awarded three $200 scholarships
                 to graduating Xinos and Kudos. In honor of their 64th Chapter Anniversary, Beta Lambda
                 chapter hosted a Christmas holiday event where all funds raised would be used to provide
                 scholarships for well-deserving students.  Beta Omicron chapter continues to host its Red and
                 Gold Scholarship Gala to honor their scholarship recipients, Xinos and Kudos, and community
                 members.  Gamma Mu chapter awarded $100 to one deserving graduating senior.  Delta Pi also
                 continues to host its Annual Citation Awards Scholarship Breakfast honoring members of the
                 community but also recognizing their youth by giving Book Awards to three June 2019
                 graduates.  They also gave a donation to the scholarship fund where the chapter worshiped for
                 Founders' Day.  And lastly, after receiving and reviewing applications from the community,
                 Epsilon Alpha awarded four scholarships ($1000, $1000, $1000, and $800) to graduating
                 seniors and also awarded $50 book donations to their 22 Xinos and Kudos graduates.

                 Recommendations and Concerns: It is suggested that all chapters create an annual event, in
                 honor  of  scholarship,  to  give  to  graduating  seniors  in  the  community.  It  is  also
                 recommended to support some or all, Senior Xinos and Kudos, in some capacity, upon their
                 graduation.  For those chapters working with Xinos and Kudos, it is highly recommended to
                 support their participation with the Gladys Merritt Ross Memorial Scholarship, if they meet
                 the qualifications.

                 Rhonda J Baskerville
                 Rhonda J. Baskerville
                 Scholarship Chair

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