P. 148

understanding or the truth can no longer be enforced. This makes the Minang people
                  b.   Raso jo pareso
                                 The measure of raso jo pareso is a measure of equal feeling and
                  worth among fellow members of the community or also called sympathy and empathy
                  based on conscience (high conscience). The measure of taste is related to feelings of pain
                  and pleasure. Pain is measured by the state of “sick deck crew, sick deck urang” (pain
                  for yourself, pain for others). Happiness is measured by the state of “lamak deck crew,
                  katuju deck urang” (good for us, happy for others).
                                 Meanwhile,  the  pareso  (check)  measure  will  use  the  value
                  according to the state of propriety and fairness. Such a value in custom is called the
                  measure  of  "alua  jo  patuik"  (proper  flow),  a  value  according  to  the  circumstances
                  according to the flow, if a habit that is already prevalent applies. But the custom does not
                  stand alone. Appropriate or appropriate to be judged with a conscience or conscience. As
                  stated in the following customary proverb:
                                     balimbiang nut spikes,

                                     swaying back and forth,
                                     bao manurun ka Saruaso.

                                     When the child is on my lap, he is guided,
                                     ur village roasted,

                                     grace with raso jo pareso.
                  c.   Alua jo patuik
                                 Flow  and  proper  is  a  way  of  behaving  that  comes  from  the
                  philosophy of mind. It affects attitudes to make decisions or put things in their place,
                  namely  placing  conscience  (sincere  conscience)  as  the  basis  for  decisions,  so  that  a
                  decision can be accepted by common sense.

                  86 AA Navis, Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher, p. 73, which
           means: Kluck the nails of star fruit, the shells are swayed, take them down to
           Saruasa, the children are guided in the lap of their nephews, the villagers are
           tolerated, tolerate with taste and check.
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