P. 146
is called a good deed so that relationships with other people are not
based on profit and loss but on the basis of sincerity. With this
mind, there will be good deeds for each other, reciprocating the
favor. In principle, the mind is a good deed and is done on the basis
of sincerity. It is because of this reason that the Messenger of Allah
was sent to the earth as stated in the hadith
َ ْ
قَلاْخلأا مرا لأ ا
َ ِ
"I was sent to this world to perfect noble
character"(Narrated by Ahmad Ibn Haubab)
The following are customary doctrines relating to:
a. The importance of living virtuous
Deck of thousands of rice,
by Datuak Tumangguang,
live if you are not virtuous,
situak tagak Kamari tanguang. 82
Meaning: if someone does not have good character, then that
person is not appreciated because he has never acted well or instilled an act of sincerity.
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81 Rachmat Djatnika, Islamic Ethics System (Akhlak Mulia), (Jakarta:
Pustaka Panjimas, 1996), p. 16.
82 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 39, which means: Because of the
hurricane the rice fell, in the Datuak Tumanggung institution, if you are not
virtuous, you can sit up straight here.