P. 35
➢ Homoreligious, humans are essentially religious
creatures, so humans deserve religious education
such as religious education and character.
➢ Ethical beings, humans have moral awareness and
are able to understand ethical norms.
➢ Aesthetic creatures, humans are touched by beauty,
so humans deserve an art education.
In Islamic education; Islam is the basis of the goals and
methods, so religious teachings are the soul of all knowledge that
exists in this world. Therefore, existing knowledge is an extension
of religious belief or an integral part that cannot be separated from
F. Educational Method
The word method comes from meta and hodos. Meta means
through and hodos means way or way, therefore method means all
ways or paths that are passed to achieve a goal. Ahmad Tafsir
distinguishes the method into two forms:
Firstteaching method, which is a teaching technique that
takes place in the classroom, it is very practical and technical in
nature such as lecture methods, question and answer, discussion,
socio drama, role playing, giving assignments etc.
Secondeducational method, which is a way to develop the
affective aspect towards the formation of the Muslim person. This