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educational method involves fostering a sense of faith, namely a
sense of religion and a sense of love for God, a sense of pleasure
in worship, respect for parents and so on.
To find out about educational methods, we start again
remembering the notion of education, namely pedagogy
association, in which there are adults influencing students with the
intention of providing help or guidance for growth towards
maturity. The way to influence students is what is meant by the
educational method.
According to R. Ngalim Purwanto that: "what is meant by
form or style here is all the efforts made by the educator towards
children in their efforts to educate children. So the form or pattern
is about the behavior of the educator towards his students, such as
prohibiting, giving advice, giving orders, advising and punishing.
The explanation above shows that what is meant by the
educational method is the effort or action of the educator aimed at
carrying out the task of educating. The method takes the form of
behavior such as prohibiting, giving advice, giving orders,
advising and punishing, habituation in supervision, etc. The
following describes some forms of educational methods:
14 M. Ngalim Purwanto, Theoretical and Practical Education Science,
(Bandung, Rosda Karya Youth, 2000) cet. 12th, p. 176.