P. 39

6.  Punishment

                          Punishment  is  suffering  intentionally  inflicted  by
                  one person as a compensation for an offense committed by

                  another  person.  The  purpose  of  pedagogies  to  give

                  punishment  is  to  improve  the  character  and  behavior  of
                  students,  for  the  sake  of  educating  children  towards

                  goodness.  This  kind  of  punishment is  done intentionally
                  and  purposefully.  And  need  to  be  distinguished  from

                  natural punishment according to the theory of naturalism.
                  It is believed that with punishment alone children cannot

                  know the ethical norms to distinguish good and bad.

                  7.  Will formation
                          According to Abu Ahmadi, that "experience alone

                  is not enough, it must be added with an attitude that arises
                  from the students themselves in the form of a desire to form

                          It  was  explained  that  self-will  is  a  very  good

                  method of education in spurring students' enthusiasm for

                  learning. This has been stated by Langeveld by using the
                  term  activity.  It  is  increasingly  clear  that  increasing

                  students' enthusiasm for learning will have a good impact

                  on achieving educational goals.

           15 Ahmadi, Uhbiyati, Educational Sciences, p. 150.
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