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levels: 1) Parents. 2) Another adult who is responsible for the
child's maturity.
Imam Barnadib is of the opinion that the main educators
are parents because it is parents who interact with students the
most, either as biological children or as adopted children.
While other elements in society such as teachers, close friends
in the family (uncle) or influential community leaders. As long
as someone has the following educational criteria, adults who
consciously exert influence on students, are responsible and
have authority on the basis of love, as well as being healthy
both physically and spiritually, then he can be classified as an
2. Protege
There are no two children in this world who are exactly
the same even though they are born twins. Each child is a
separate person. This difference as described previously could
be influenced by endogenous factors, namely innate and
activity (self-help) and also exogenous factors, namely
external influences such as social, cultural and natural
environmental factors. Therefore, in the educational process,
18 Sutari Imam Barnadib, Introduction to Systematic Education, (Yogyakarta:
FIP-IKIP, 1984), p. 61.