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growth process and the socialization process. The process of
growth and socialization will take place throughout human life. In
other words, according to him, education takes place from the time
humans are born until humans die or is called life long education.
Furthermore, Ahmadi and Uhbiyati added that "the concept
of lifelong education is called life long integrated education
because the education process includes informal and formal forms
that take place in families, schools, workplaces and in community
From some of these opinions it can be concluded that:
➢ John Dewey, formulated education starting from
human birth and ending for life.
➢ Langeveld, education will intentionally end, but self-
education will continue. This educational process is
passed in several forms or characteristics of education,
namely formal, informal and non-formal education and
takes place in families, schools, workplaces and in the
There are those who argue that the boundaries of education
are extended to a broader concept, that education starts from the
time the baby is in the womb until it dies.
23 Ahmadi, Uhbiyati, Educational Sciences, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1991), p.